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Everything posted by Talasarian

  1. This worked! I'm now fully up to date, I appreciate it.
  2. Trying to update NC according to https://info.linuxserver.io/issues/2023-06-25-nextcloud/ I'm currently running 25.0.4 yet when I run the updater it continues to try to install 24.0.12 and fails every time with "downloaded version is lower than installed version"
  3. Thank you so much Marshalleq, I feel like such an idiot... Been working on this for the better part of a week and it never occurred to me to try that. UPDATE: I've got sonarr, radarr, lidarr, and ombi working but tautulli is throwing err_empty_response. I've got usernames and passwords setup for all. I also had to specify each subdomain instead of using the wildcard to get ssl certs for anyone else in this position. UPDATE 2: A bit of googling and I found the solution to tautulli, https://github.com/Tautulli/Tautulli-Wiki/wiki/Frequently-Asked-Questions#general-q10 Everything is now working in the reverse proxy thankfully, once again thanks Mashelleq.
  4. Hey invader, I've followed this to a tee using cloudflare. Everything is up and running but when i try to go to sonarr.mydomain.com i get the cloudflare error 522. I've been over the settings about 5 times now and everything is setup just as you showed. My isp blocks port 80 but i've got 443 forwarded to 1443 and verified it's open yet I'm still getting the 522 error. I've no idea where to go from here, any help would be appreciated. Thanks