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About Brian5542

  • Birthday 08/29/1985

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  1. Hello Same for me dont work with the VPN, disable the VPN ok enable VPN not ok.
  2. Hello, i have receive a folder encrypt. how decrypt the folder on unraid ? i have de key but the command decrypt is not working. Thank you
  3. @Taddeusz Hello Thank you Yes on the settings DUO Now is working Space line Time Zone The key Duo Application I have another question change the password for the user guacadmin, is possible ? I have find the solution You need to be logged in as the second admin user for delete the guacadmin user Thank you for the help
  4. @Taddeusz yes i have delete the space line. I have trie with change the time on unraid and the docker with time London. Is the same ...
  5. @Taddeusz Hello yes i have follow. Duo integration change the name is Client ID. I have the folder extension and the auth duo is created automatically after "Y" enable DUO on the Docker. Duo application, i have create my key 45 characters.
  6. Hello My date and time is correct on Unraid. I check date on the console in docker is also correct. I have question i use the web sdk Client ID is Duo Intégration ? Duo Application the key is 40? Now i have this window Thank You
  7. Hello yes my unraid server is sync on this documentation for DUO https://duo.com/docs/duoweb i need the NTP server
  8. Hello i have install this docker i have configured the application with DUO. I have a message I check the documentation DUO and i need a NTP server for sync the server. Thank You
  9. Hello i have a question. i use unraid 6.8.3. on the server R720 i would like host my fever RSS. for you is secure the use the folder www on docker letsencrypt? have you another idea for hosting? Fever require mariaDB. I find another topics i have put false only the subdomain. but i have a error message PHP on this server does not appear to be compiled with support for MySQL. MySQL or higher is required. my old hosting is my synology i use mariadb also. PS: i have another question, the fiber channel is support on unraid ? Thank you Brian
  10. Hello i am new on the community. 1 month i use Unraid. For me is fantastic. I use for my work events rooms and private. On my private i have 1 old nas synology 411+, i would like replace my nas. i use plex, letsencrypt, ddclient, grafana, folding@home, unifi poller. Thank you the team Brian
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