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Everything posted by Mads

  1. Hi guys - sry for bumping in waaaaay late, but I'm baffled by a seemingly identical issue to the one jrdnlc (and others) reported cf above at page 3 of this thread. Important note: My attempted Xeoma docker install is on Synology's official docker on my Synology NAS (DS710+). As such I guess is not the ideal place to report this and if so I stand corrected. But resultwise this thread is the closest I've been able to google the resulting and persisting exit error below: datestreamcontent 2020-01-30 23:53:11stdoutJan 30 23:53:11 Xeoma syslog-ng[12]: syslog-ng shutting down; version='3.13.2' 2020-01-30 23:53:11stdout*** Killing all processes... 2020-01-30 23:53:11stdout 2020-01-30 23:53:11stdout*** /etc/my_init.d/30_parse_config_file.sh failed with status 1 2020-01-30 23:53:11stdoutCreating config file. Please do not forget to edit it to specify your settings! 2020-01-30 23:53:11stdout*** Running /etc/my_init.d/30_parse_config_file.sh... 2020-01-30 23:53:10stdoutJan 30 23:53:10 Xeoma syslog-ng[12]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.13.2' 2020-01-30 23:53:10stdout*** Running /etc/my_init.d/10_syslog-ng.init... 2020-01-30 23:53:10stdout*** Running /etc/my_init.d/00_regen_ssh_host_keys.sh... I've first created and specified a subfolder named "Xeoma" in the docker folder auto- created when installing the Synology docker app as the path for creating folders + config.conf file - the command I use is: docker run -d --name=Xeoma -p 8090:8090 -p 10090:10090 -v /volume1/docker/Xeoma:/config -v /volume1/docker/Xeoma:/archive coppit/xeoma No luck (cf. error above). So I deleted the Xeoma container to start over. As a suggested solution I then tried to setup the config file manually. Created a /config + an /archive subfolder in the docker main folder and corrected the above command pathways accordingly. I then created the "config.conf" file containing PASSWORD = mypassword + VERSION = latest and put the file in the /config folder. I the rerun the altered Xeoma setup command, but starting the container I get the exact same error above. Tried removing and rerunning the Xeoma docker command several times. Can't figure it out tbh. There seems to be a log error variation ("30_parse (...)" in my log vs "40_parse (...) in the logs of others here - and it seems the updates resolved the issues others had. Was hoping @coppit maybe has a pointer or an idea of where to go from here. I'm at a loss and not able to run Xeoma which really is a bummer. So please bear over with me if I'm barking up the wrong tree by posting here. Any help would surely be very much appreciated!! 🤔
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