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Everything posted by turt1e

  1. I've noticed that many dockers have no support thread here on the Unraid forums. Instead the support either goes to github or discord. Is this something new? I was looking to install the Immich docker but wanted help understanding how to add the docker-mods that the Immich docker requires, but I couldn't find any support thread to post in. I also can't create a new topic in the Docker Support section as new posts are only for developers. And I don't have github or discord accounts, and even if I did I'm not sure the info there would be specific to how to setup the Unraid docker specific config to include those necessary docker-mods. So is this the correct place to ask for help with these dockers that have no support threads?
  2. If anyone is trying to get this Zoneminder docker working with the Nginx Proxy Manager docker instead of the SWAG docker below is the important config that needs to be added to the advanced tab when creating a new proxy host. location = / { rewrite ^ https://zm.mydomain.com/zm/ permanent; } That tidbit above makes Zoneminder pesky use of the trailing /zm in the URL work with Nginx Proxy Manager. Pay particular care to make sure the ending"/" in https://zm.mydomain.com/zm/ is present because https://zm.mydomain.com/zm does not work for me.
  3. Haven't seen it posted here yet but Letsencrypt will be revoking certain certs starting today due to a CAA rechecking bug. This affects about 2.6% of issued certs. More info in the link below including a way to check if your cert is affected. https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/revoking-certain-certificates-on-march-4/114864
  4. Yep, I'm using ZMNinja and I did check my token.txt file and it looked correct, but thanks for the suggestion anyway. I actually got my zoneminder cert issues resolved a few days ago by finally figuring out how to reverse proxy zoneminder's webui with it's /zm base url. I ended up having to edit the /mnt/user/appdata/letsencrypt/nginx/site-conf/default file by adding the following: location /zm/ { include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; proxy_pass https://mysubdomain.duckdns.org:8443/zm/; } Those trailing slashes after /zm make a big difference! But adding the above kept stripping out the index.php from the Zoneminder webui which caused some other issues on the Zoneminder web console and the picture url for eventserver. So I had to comment out the following in that same file above: # location ~ \.php$ { # fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$; # fastcgi_pass; # fastcgi_index index.php; # include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params; # } Commenting out the above doesn't seem to have broken my other dockers that I have reverse proxied that use letsencrypt, and I'm now getting my ZMninja notifications with object detection. I've spent the last couple of days just playing with the object detection settings and I must say it's pretty damn cool!
  5. Has anyone gotten this docker to work with the Zoneminder docker or any other docker that uses a base url as it's landing page? Zoneminder uses a base url, (mydomain.com/zm) so using the subdomain and subfolder configs are not an option apparently. I see that the nginx/site-conf directory has a file called "default" that has an example of couchpotato config that uses a base url, but I'm not sure if that file even does anything.
  6. I'm using the built in auth for zoneminder and yes it does present me with a login screen. After logging in I then get the "page cannot be found" when trying to retrieve that image url. At this point I'm pretty sure this is a cert issue (especially know seeing that you have a reverse proxy setup) and that my domain needs some sort of valid cert for these images in the notification to work. Yep, that is the documentation I'm following and it states that the self signed cert will not work for pictures in the notification or object detection. But I was under the impression that some here got it working with the self signed certs. At this point I'm not even trying object detection, I just want to get the picture of the alarmed event to show up on my ZMNinja notifications. Once I get that working then I'll move on to hooks just as the documentation you linked states to do. So in that vain I've now set up a letsencrypt docker on the same server that zoneminder is running on and I now show a valid cert on my domain. Lets say it's mydomain.com. When I go to mydomain.com in my web browser I get a landing page that is encrypted with a valid cert from letsencrypt. I've also copied the 2 cert keys from letsencrypt docker to zoneminder's keys folder and restarted both. Yet when I go to mydomain.com:8444/zm its still shows an untrusted site, and the cert as invalid. I'm pretty sure the issue is that Zoneminder uses that base url of /zm and I see no provision in the letsencrypt docker for setting up a subdomain that uses a base url. I setup a subdomain with Bitwarden on the same server and got that working with letsencrypt and get a valid cert on its landing page but it doesn't using a base url, just bitwarden.mydomain.com which works fine. If anyone has gotten Zoneminder to work with the letsencrypt docker I'm all ears! Thanks
  7. I get a "page cannot be found" and the following in the log file: web_php 1197 FAT Event <368> Not found /usr/share/zoneminder/www/views/image.php When you log into you Zoneminder console via the web browser do you get a notification of the page not being secure because of the self signed cert?
  8. Good to know the default generated certificates work for you. I was under the impression that the snapshot and alarm pics that are supposed to be generated during an event are sent to google/apple who then process the image and then send to your phone on behalf of ZMninja as a notification. I'm getting that notification with just a black space in place of where the image should be. When I enable hooks in the zmeventnotification.ini I don't get anything show when I select "only detected objects". So for now I've disabled that and I'm trying to get those notification pictures to show up correctly first before moving on to object detection as recommended in the setup guide. Here is how the pertinent fields in the various config files look on my setup. ServerName: 192.168.11.xx localhost secrets.ini: the ZMES_PICTURE_URL below is set to the wikimedia test image as suggested setup guide. Which, is what I should be seeing every time I get an event notification, but thats not happening. But I've also tried the commented line with my duckdns subdomain with no luck on that one either. # your secrets file [secrets] ZMES_PICTURE_URL=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5f/Chinese_new_year_dragon_2014.jpg #ZMES_PICTURE_URL=https://mysubdomain.duckdns.org:8444/zm/index.php?view=image&eid=EVENTID&fid=snapshot&width=600 ZM_USER=admin ZM_PASSWORD=xxxxx ZM_PORTAL=https://mysubdomain.duckdns.org:8444/zm ZM_API_PORTAL=https://mysubdomain.duckdns.org:8444/zm/api zmeventnotification.ini: [general] secrets = /etc/zm/secrets.ini base_data_path=/var/lib/zmeventnotification [network] # Port for Websockets connection (default: 9000). port = 9000 [auth] # Check username/password against ZoneMinder database (default: yes). enable = yes [fcm] # Use FCM for messaging (default: yes). enable = yes [ssl] # Enable SSL (default: yes) enable = yes cert = !ES_CERT_FILE key = !ES_KEY_FILE # include picture in alarm (Android only) (default: no). include_picture = yes # picture_url = !ZMES_PICTURE_URL picture_url = https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5f/Chinese_new_year_dragon_2014.jpg picture_portal_username=!ZM_USER picture_portal_password=!ZM_PASSWORD Any values look different than yours? Other than the picture_url of course, as I've tried both the wikimedia and my duckdns subdomain. Thanks
  9. For those that got the Event server and hooks working, did you have to get a valid certificate from letsencrypt or other service? I have my Event Server working and pushing notifications to my phone no problem, but I'm not getting the alarm pictures. Reading through the documentation it seems I need to get the pics working before enabling the hooks. I'd appreciate any tips on you may have got that to work. Thanks