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Everything posted by Isolgrac

  1. Ok, I'll raise this as a separate feature request then. Thanks for the clarification :-)
  2. My understanding is that to replace a drive you remove the old one and insert the new one and allow unraid to rebuild it from the parity calculations. Please let me know if this isn't the correct way of doing it currently because I'm about to do it and I don't want to make mistakes! :-) If my understanding above is correct (and from your comment 'the array is actually unprotected' I assume it is) then I think what I'm looking for is a way to do it without leaving the array unprotected during the process. Not being familiar with the internals on unRaid I have no idea if this would add a significant amount of complexity over and above what is already planned for this feature (removing a drive) and so I asked if it would be possible to include it. I know that it is not an essential feature (or else it would be in already), but being able to upgrade drives without leaving the array unprotected for a period of time would be a big plus for users such as myself who are less skilled/confident in such matters.
  3. Would this also include the ability to replace a drive without having to rebuild parity? For example, if I want to replace an existing drive with a bigger drive (including the parity drive) it would be great if we could just add the new drive and tell unRaid that it was to replace an existing drive. UnRaid could then clone the existing drive over to the new drive (whilst not destroying parity) and once complete, automatically remove the old drive from the array. The key thing here is that while the clone operation takes place, any parity calculations include the clone pair as a single drive rather than as two separate drives. Hopefully the above makes sense. If this isn't included in this feature, please can you move this post to a new feature request?
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