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Posts posted by VladoPortos

  1. After lates update I got this (and container not starting)



    /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/package/libraries/helpers/selinux_distro_helper.rb:2: warning: already initialized constant SELinuxDistroHelper::REDHAT_RELEASE_FILE
    /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/package/libraries/helpers/selinux_distro_helper.rb:2: warning: previous definition of REDHAT_RELEASE_FILE was here
    /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/package/libraries/helpers/selinux_distro_helper.rb:3: warning: already initialized constant SELinuxDistroHelper::OS_RELEASE_FILE
    /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/package/libraries/helpers/selinux_distro_helper.rb:3: warning: previous definition of OS_RELEASE_FILE was here
    /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/package/libraries/helpers/secrets_helper.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant SecretsHelper::SECRETS_FILE
    /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/package/libraries/helpers/secrets_helper.rb:4: warning: previous definition of SECRETS_FILE was here
    /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/package/libraries/helpers/secrets_helper.rb:5: warning: already initialized constant SecretsHelper::SECRETS_FILE_CHEF_ATTR
    /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/package/libraries/helpers/secrets_helper.rb:5: warning: previous definition of SECRETS_FILE_CHEF_ATTR was here
    /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/package/libraries/helpers/secrets_helper.rb:6: warning: already initialized constant SecretsHelper::SKIP_GENERATE_SECRETS_CHEF_ATTR
    /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/package/libraries/helpers/secrets_helper.rb:6: warning: previous definition of SKIP_GENERATE_SECRETS_CHEF_ATTR was here
    /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/package/libraries/gitlab_cluster.rb:16: warning: already initialized constant GitlabCluster::CONFIG_PATH
    /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/package/libraries/gitlab_cluster.rb:16: warning: previous definition of CONFIG_PATH was here
    /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/package/libraries/gitlab_cluster.rb:17: warning: already initialized constant GitlabCluster::JSON_FILE
    /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/package/libraries/gitlab_cluster.rb:17: warning: previous definition of JSON_FILE was here
    There was an error running gitlab-ctl reconfigure:
    Removed configurations found in gitlab.rb. Aborting reconfigure.
      - nginx (0.1.0)
      - runit (5.1.7)
      - acme (4.1.6)
      - crond (0.1.0)
    Installing cookbook gem dependencies:
    Compiling cookbooks...
    Loading Cinc Auditor profile files:
    Loading Cinc Auditor input files:
    Loading Cinc Auditor waiver files:
    [2024-05-17T07:20:27+02:00] INFO: Generating default secrets
    [2024-05-17T07:20:29+02:00] INFO: Generating /etc/gitlab/gitlab-secrets.json file
    [2024-05-17T07:20:29+02:00] WARN: * sidekiq['max_concurrency'] has been deprecated since 16.9 and was removed in 17.0. Starting with GitLab 17.0, `sidekiq['max_concurrency']` will be removed. Please follow https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/sidekiq/extra_sidekiq_processes.html#manage-thread-counts-explicitly to use `sidekiq['concurrency']` instead.
    Recipe Compile Error in /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/gitlab/recipes/default.rb
    Removed configurations found in gitlab.rb. Aborting reconfigure.
    Cookbook Trace: (most recent call first)
      /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/package/libraries/omnibus_helper.rb:227:in `check_deprecations'
      /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/gitlab/recipes/default.rb:29:in `from_file'
    Relevant File Content:
    220:      # We are doing something similar in check_config command.
    221:      gitlab_rb_config = Gitlab['node'].normal
    223:      removal_messages = Gitlab::Deprecations.check_config(current_version, gitlab_rb_config, :removal)
    224:      removal_messages.each do |msg|
    225:        LoggingHelper.removal(msg)
    226:      end
    227>>     raise "Removed configurations found in gitlab.rb. Aborting reconfigure." unless removal_messages.empty?
    229:      deprecation_messages = Gitlab::Deprecations.check_config(current_version, gitlab_rb_config, :deprecation)
    230:      deprecation_messages.each do |msg|
    231:        LoggingHelper.deprecation(msg)
    232:      end
    233:    end
    235:    def self.check_environment
    236:      ENV['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] && LoggingHelper.warning('LD_LIBRARY_PATH was found in the env variables, this may cause issues with linking against the included libraries.')
    System Info:
    ruby=ruby 3.1.5p253 (2024-04-023 revision 1945f8dc0e) [x86_64-linux]
    Running handlers:
    [2024-05-17T07:20:29+02:00] ERROR: Running exception handlers
    * sidekiq['max_concurrency'] has been deprecated since 16.9 and was removed in 17.0. Starting with GitLab 17.0, `sidekiq['max_concurrency']` will be removed. Please follow https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/sidekiq/extra_sidekiq_processes.html#manage-thread-counts-explicitly to use `sidekiq['concurrency']` instead.
    Running handlers complete
    [2024-05-17T07:20:29+02:00] ERROR: Exception handlers complete
    Infra Phase failed. 0 resources updated in 03 seconds
    [2024-05-17T07:20:29+02:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cinc-stacktrace.out
    [2024-05-17T07:20:29+02:00] FATAL: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [2024-05-17T07:20:29+02:00] FATAL: PLEASE PROVIDE THE CONTENTS OF THE stacktrace.out FILE (above) IF YOU FILE A BUG REPORT
    [2024-05-17T07:20:29+02:00] FATAL: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [2024-05-17T07:20:29+02:00] FATAL: RuntimeError: Removed configurations found in gitlab.rb. Aborting reconfigure.


  2. 8 hours ago, mackid1993 said:

    Sorry to dig up this old thread, I've been following it for a while and was able to find a solution for my i7 12700K with the help of this thread: https://superuser.com/questions/1431148/kvm-nested-virtualbox-windows-guest/1589286#1589286


    Try modifying this section of your XML:


     <cpu mode='host-passthrough' check='none' migratable='on'>
        <topology sockets='1' dies='1' cores='8' threads='2'/>
        <cache mode='passthrough'/>


    Change it to this, just be sure to keep your <topology> line the same to not change the core count:


      <cpu mode='custom' match='exact' check='partial'>
        <model fallback='allow'>Skylake-Client-noTSX-IBRS</model>
        <topology sockets='1' dies='1' cores='20' threads='1'/>
        <feature policy='disable' name='hypervisor'/>
        <feature policy='require' name='vmx'/>
        <feature policy='disable' name='mpx'/>


    I also had to add <feature policy='disable' name='mpx'/> which wasn't in the superuser post. I was getting an error when booting my VM so there may be some modification needed based on CPU model. With this I was able to get WSL2 working! I'm not sure if this will greatly impact performance. I'm hoping someone more knowledgeable like @SimonF may be willing to comment as I've found him to be all knowing when it comes to Unraid and VMs!


    This works, the VM starts, but boy the CPU is not liking it, its constant 80 to 99%




  3. Hello all,


    Recently I installed Windows 11 pro in to unraid VM, It installed fine, rebooted maybe twice, I installed the basic stuff like browser, vscode, docker for windows... rebooted and got <see attachment>, If I reboot I can get windows repair tool, but that does nothing... and can get to BIOS but tried to boot from any of the device and that did not work either....


    VM setting:

    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <domain type='kvm' id='21'>
      <name>Work Vm</name>
        <vmtemplate xmlns="unraid" name="Windows 11" icon="windows11.png" os="windowstpm"/>
      <memory unit='KiB'>8388608</memory>
      <currentMemory unit='KiB'>8388608</currentMemory>
      <vcpu placement='static'>6</vcpu>
        <vcpupin vcpu='0' cpuset='2'/>
        <vcpupin vcpu='1' cpuset='3'/>
        <vcpupin vcpu='2' cpuset='6'/>
        <vcpupin vcpu='3' cpuset='7'/>
        <vcpupin vcpu='4' cpuset='10'/>
        <vcpupin vcpu='5' cpuset='11'/>
        <type arch='x86_64' machine='pc-i440fx-7.1'>hvm</type>
        <loader readonly='yes' type='pflash'>/usr/share/qemu/ovmf-x64/OVMF_CODE-pure-efi-tpm.fd</loader>
        <boot dev='fd'/>
        <hyperv mode='custom'>
          <relaxed state='on'/>
          <vapic state='on'/>
          <spinlocks state='on' retries='8191'/>
          <vendor_id state='on' value='none'/>
      <cpu mode='host-passthrough' check='none' migratable='on'>
        <topology sockets='1' dies='1' cores='3' threads='2'/>
        <cache mode='passthrough'/>
      <clock offset='localtime'>
        <timer name='hypervclock' present='yes'/>
        <timer name='hpet' present='no'/>
        <disk type='file' device='disk'>
          <driver name='qemu' type='qcow2' cache='writeback'/>
          <source file='/mnt/user/vms/Work Vm/vdisk1.img' index='1'/>
          <target dev='hdc' bus='virtio'/>
          <alias name='virtio-disk2'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x05' function='0x0'/>
        <controller type='pci' index='0' model='pci-root'>
          <alias name='pci.0'/>
        <controller type='ide' index='0'>
          <alias name='ide'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x1'/>
        <controller type='virtio-serial' index='0'>
          <alias name='virtio-serial0'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x04' function='0x0'/>
        <controller type='usb' index='0' model='qemu-xhci' ports='15'>
          <alias name='usb'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x07' function='0x0'/>
        <interface type='bridge'>
          <mac address='52:54:00:22:8b:ef'/>
          <source bridge='br0.1030'/>
          <target dev='vnet20'/>
          <model type='virtio-net'/>
          <alias name='net0'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x03' function='0x0'/>
        <serial type='pty'>
          <source path='/dev/pts/39'/>
          <target type='isa-serial' port='0'>
            <model name='isa-serial'/>
          <alias name='serial0'/>
        <console type='pty' tty='/dev/pts/39'>
          <source path='/dev/pts/39'/>
          <target type='serial' port='0'/>
          <alias name='serial0'/>
        <channel type='unix'>
          <source mode='bind' path='/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/channel/target/domain-21-Work Vm/org.qemu.guest_agent.0'/>
          <target type='virtio' name='org.qemu.guest_agent.0' state='disconnected'/>
          <alias name='channel0'/>
          <address type='virtio-serial' controller='0' bus='0' port='1'/>
        <input type='tablet' bus='usb'>
          <alias name='input0'/>
          <address type='usb' bus='0' port='1'/>
        <input type='mouse' bus='ps2'>
          <alias name='input1'/>
        <input type='keyboard' bus='ps2'>
          <alias name='input2'/>
        <tpm model='tpm-tis'>
          <backend type='emulator' version='2.0' persistent_state='yes'/>
          <alias name='tpm0'/>
        <graphics type='vnc' port='5901' autoport='yes' websocket='5701' listen='' keymap='en-us'>
          <listen type='address' address=''/>
        <audio id='1' type='none'/>
          <model type='qxl' ram='65536' vram='65536' vgamem='16384' heads='1' primary='yes'/>
          <alias name='video0'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x02' function='0x0'/>
        <memballoon model='virtio'>
          <alias name='balloon0'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x06' function='0x0'/>
      <seclabel type='dynamic' model='dac' relabel='yes'>



  4. Just a note, if you are using traefik as your proxy in Unraid, you can add these two labels:

    Host(`your.page.com`) && Path(`/webhook/{uuid:([a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12})}`)
    Host(`your.page.com`) && Path(`/webhook-test/{uuid:([a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12})}`)

    This will only expose the hooks matching the auto generated UUID (If you create custom url then you need to add another label )

  5. 2 hours ago, advplyr said:


    I haven't but you could try going into settings on your device and disabling battery optimization for the app. I think the battery optimization on some devices can kill the background process.


    That's the thing where I looked first, but the app "audiobookshelf" is not there, even if I would like to put it to apps that are put in deep sleep I can't. Maybe I will try to reinstall.

  6. Does anybody experience cutouts, when I'm streaming audio to my phone using the app. It tends to cut out at random after random times (not much, but enough to be annoying), every time I have to go back to the app and start the stream again.

    I'm using an android phone, and I'm not sure if the app is put to sleep or something. I also can't seem to find the app in Android setting for sleeping apps (It's literally not there)

    In server logs, I have this:


    :12:00] INFO: [PlaybackSessionManager] startSession: Closing open session "Defiance of the Fall 2" for user "root_account"
    [2023-02-10 16:20:10] INFO: [Server] Socket y98IJNqnzqyK8mrhAABH disconnected from client "root_account" after 499083ms (Reason: ping timeout)
    [2023-02-10 16:32:44] INFO: [Server] Socket Connected jkcZqDSmPA7QhEhEAABJ
    [2023-02-10 16:38:07] INFO: [Server] Socket jkcZqDSmPA7QhEhEAABJ disconnected from client "root_account" after 322658ms (Reason: ping timeout)
    [2023-02-10 16:41:36] INFO: [Server] Socket Connected RPl8raIdDfvdNI3nAABL
    [2023-02-10 16:41:41] INFO: [PlaybackSessionManager] startSession: Closing open session "Defiance of the Fall 2" for user "root_account"
    [2023-02-10 16:43:49] INFO: [Server] Socket RPl8raIdDfvdNI3nAABL disconnected from client "root_account" after 132948ms (Reason: transport close)
    [2023-02-10 16:43:53] INFO: [Server] Socket Connected iuu3niqtJhara9xtAABN


    I think it's happening only when I'm outside on mobile data.

  7. Checked with :alpine instead of :latest


    /bin/sh -c 'apk update && apk add smartmontools && apk add lm-sensors lm-sensors-detect perl && apk add nvme-cli && apk add ipmitool && telegraf'


    Still no luck:

    ERROR: Unable to lock database: Permission denied
    ERROR: Failed to open apk database: Permission denied
    ERROR: Unable to lock database: Permission denied
    ERROR: Failed to open apk database: Permission denied


    Something changed in the docker images that I can't install additional packages...

  8. I'm getting following error on telegraf, updated from older version recently and for some reason it can't install needed binaries at start.



    E: List directory /var/lib/apt/lists/partial is missing. - Acquire (13: Permission denied)
    Reading package lists...
    Reading package lists...
    ** Press ANY KEY to close this window **


    I have this in post arguments:

    /bin/sh -c 'apt update && apt install -y smartmontools && apt install -y lm-sensors && apt install -y nvme-cli && telegraf' --user 0


  9. Interesting, I see simmilar: 

    2022-08-25 08:20:05.632+0000: Domain id=6 is tainted: custom-ga-command
    2022-08-25 08:20:10.532+0000: Domain id=6 is tainted: custom-ga-command
    2022-08-25 08:20:43.328+0000: Domain id=6 is tainted: custom-ga-command
    2022-08-25 08:47:10.162+0000: Domain id=6 is tainted: custom-ga-command
    2022-08-25 16:36:53.164+0000: Domain id=6 is tainted: custom-ga-command

    No idea what it is.

  10. So, after solid week and half trying to get my gaming VM (daily driver) to work on Unraid, here is some notes that you might find usefull.


    Disable support for Hyper-V, Virtual Machine Platform, Windows Subsytem for Linux - These caused a lot of interupts in OS, and although the VM run, you could feel the lag when moving window or kind of micro stutters in game. Disabling them helped a lot (but its a pain because I used WSL a lot, so separate VM for linux it is now ). 


    Other thing, was that when I mapped share from unraid to VM, the transfer speed was 14MB/S or lower. From other user on NW it worked perfectly 200MB/s... I had to change network model to "virtio" then it shoot up to 800MB/s (to ssd cache)

  11. Works like charm :)

    I changed the code a little to blink led :)


    from machine import Pin
    import uasyncio as asyncio
    from primitives import Pushbutton
    vm_name = "\'Windows 11\'"
    start_command = "virsh start " + vm_name
    reboot_command = "virsh reboot " + vm_name
    force_shutdown_command = "virsh destroy " + vm_name
    # PIN13 is D7 on DFROBOT ESP32 Beetle V1.0
    btn = Pin(13, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
    # PIN27 is D4 on DFROBOT ESP32 Beetle V1.0
    led = Pin(27, Pin.OUT)
    pb = Pushbutton(btn, suppress=True)
    async def reboot_blinky():  # This is a coroutine
        for i in range(10):
          await asyncio.sleep_ms(300)
          await asyncio.sleep_ms(300)
    async def kill_off():  # This is a coroutine
    async def start_blink():  # This is a coroutine
    async def main():
        short_press = pb.release_func(start_blink)
        double_press = pb.double_func(reboot_blinky)
        long_press = pb.long_func(kill_off)
        while True:
            await asyncio.sleep(1)









    • Like 1
  12. This is the issue I managed to capture:




    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: kernel tried to execute NX-protected page - exploit attempt? (uid: 0)
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: BUG: unable to handle page fault for address: ffffffff826bbdb4
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: #PF: supervisor instruction fetch in kernel mode
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: #PF: error_code(0x0011) - permissions violation
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: PGD 200e067 P4D 200e067 PUD 200f063 PMD 80000000026001e3 
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: Oops: 0011 [#1] SMP NOPTI
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: CPU: 9 PID: 121827 Comm: kworker/u256:5 Tainted: P           O      5.10.28-Unraid #1
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: Hardware name: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. TRX40 AORUS MASTER/TRX40 AORUS MASTER, BIOS F6 11/23/2021
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: Workqueue: events_freezable_power_ thermal_zone_device_check
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: RIP: 0010:0xffffffff826bbdb4
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: Code: 00 00 00 00 00 00 c0 b5 4e eb 25 15 00 00 58 e7 51 eb 25 15 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c0 b5 4e eb 25 15 00 00 00 00 00 00 <00> 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 01 00 77 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: RSP: 0018:ffffc9000565be28 EFLAGS: 00010246
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffff888102674800 RCX: 0000000000000000
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: RDX: ffff889f53979c00 RSI: ffff88873c7b3000 RDI: ffff888102674bc8
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: ffff889b6dbb5c00
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: R10: 0000000000000000 R11: ffff88873c7b3000 R12: 0000000000000000
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: R13: ffff888102674bc8 R14: ffff888102674bc8 R15: 0000000000000000
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: FS:  0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff889ffd240000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: CS:  0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: CR2: ffffffff826bbdb4 CR3: 00000018233ca000 CR4: 0000000000350ee0
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: Call Trace:
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: ? thermal_zone_set_trips+0x2e/0x134
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: ? thermal_get_temp+0x1e/0x37 [thermal]
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: ? thermal_zone_device_update+0xa8/0xe5
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: ? process_one_work+0x13c/0x1d5
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: ? worker_thread+0x18b/0x22f
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: ? process_scheduled_works+0x27/0x27
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: ? kthread+0xe5/0xea
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: ? __kthread_bind_mask+0x57/0x57
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: ? ret_from_fork+0x22/0x30
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: traps: extendedTest.ph[97763] general protection fault ip:881cfa sp:7ffed44e6970 error:0
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: Modules linked in: xt_mark nft_compat nft_counter nvidia_uvm(PO) xt_nat macvlan xt_CHECKSUM ipt_REJECT nf_reject_ipv4 xt_tcpudp ip6table_mangle ip6table_nat
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: in php[600000+336000]
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: iptable_mangle nf_tables
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: 
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: vhost_net tun vhost vhost_iotlb tap xt_conntrack xt_MASQUERADE nf_conntrack_netlink nfnetlink xt_addrtype iptable_nat nf_nat nf_conntrack nf_defrag_ipv6 nf_defrag_ipv4 br_netfilter xfs nfsd lockd grace sunrpc md_mod nvidia_drm(PO) nvidia_modeset(PO) drm_kms_helper syscopyarea sysfillrect sysimgblt fb_sys_fops nvidia(PO) drm backlight agpgart it87 hwmon_vid wireguard curve25519_x86_64 libcurve25519_generic libchacha20poly1305 chacha_x86_64 poly1305_x86_64 ip6_udp_tunnel udp_tunnel libblake2s blake2s_x86_64 libblake2s_generic libchacha ip6table_filter ip6_tables iptable_filter ip_tables x_tables wmi_bmof mxm_wmi edac_mce_amd amd_energy btusb btrtl btbcm btintel kvm_amd bluetooth kvm crct10dif_pclmul igb crc32_pclmul crc32c_intel ghash_clmulni_intel aesni_intel ecdh_generic crypto_simd ecc cryptd ccp i2c_piix4 ahci i2c_algo_bit glue_helper i2c_core libahci rapl k10temp thermal button acpi_cpufreq wmi nvme nvme_core
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: CR2: ffffffff826bbdb4
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: ---[ end trace a35bf397933c9bf6 ]---
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: general protection fault, probably for non-canonical address 0xfffe8881e212c9f8: 0000 [#2] SMP NOPTI
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: CPU: 15 PID: 97763 Comm: extendedTest.ph Tainted: P      D    O      5.10.28-Unraid #1
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: RIP: 0010:0xffffffff826bbdb4
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: Code: 00 00 00 00 00 00 c0 b5 4e eb 25 15 00 00 58 e7 51 eb 25 15 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c0 b5 4e eb 25 15 00 00 00 00 00 00 <00> 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 01 00 77 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: Hardware name: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. TRX40 AORUS MASTER/TRX40 AORUS MASTER, BIOS F6 11/23/2021
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: RIP: 0010:unlink_anon_vmas+0x62/0x127
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: RSP: 0018:ffffc9000565be28 EFLAGS: 00010246
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: Code: 6d 08 4c 89 e7 49 8b 75 00 e8 d9 eb ff ff 49 8d 75 40 48 89 ef 49 89 c4 e8 a5 b7 fe ff 49 8b 45 40 48 85 c0 75 09 49 8b 45 38 <ff> 48 34 eb 29 48 8b 45 18 48 89 ef 48 8b 55 10 48 89 42 08 48 89
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: RSP: 0000:ffffc90004473bd8 EFLAGS: 00010246
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffff888102674800 RCX: 0000000000000000
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: RDX: ffff889f53979c00 RSI: ffff88873c7b3000 RDI: ffff888102674bc8
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: 
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: RAX: fffe8881e212c9f8 RBX: ffff889fd3936600 RCX: ffff8899187fd2e0
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: ffff889b6dbb5c00
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: R10: 0000000000000000 R11: ffff88873c7b3000 R12: 0000000000000000
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: RDX: 0000000000000001 RSI: 0000000000000000 RDI: 0000000000000000
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: RBP: ffff8899187fd2c0 R08: 000015189cf76000 R09: 0000000000000000
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: R13: ffff888102674bc8 R14: ffff888102674bc8 R15: 0000000000000000
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: FS:  0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff889ffd240000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: R10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0000000000000000 R12: ffff8881e212c9f8
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: R13: ffff8881e212c9f8 R14: ffff889fd3936668 R15: dead000000000100
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: CS:  0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: CR2: ffffffff826bbdb4 CR3: 00000018233ca000 CR4: 0000000000350ee0
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: FS:  0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff889ffd3c0000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: CS:  0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: CR2: 0000149d85630180 CR3: 0000001a0e882000 CR4: 0000000000350ee0
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: Call Trace:
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: free_pgtables+0x81/0xbb
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: exit_mmap+0xc4/0x155
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: __mmput+0x3b/0xcf
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: do_exit+0x3b4/0x8eb
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: do_group_exit+0x8e/0x8e
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: get_signal+0x1b3/0x599
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: arch_do_signal+0x2b/0x705
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: ? signal_wake_up_state+0x11/0x20
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: ? __send_signal+0x1c5/0x233
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: exit_to_user_mode_prepare+0x38/0xc6
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: irqentry_exit_to_user_mode+0x5/0x12
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: exc_general_protection+0x1aa/0x1cc
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: ? vfs_write+0xec/0x121
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: ? asm_exc_general_protection+0x8/0x30
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: asm_exc_general_protection+0x1e/0x30
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: RIP: 0033:0x881cfa
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: Code: Unable to access opcode bytes at RIP 0x881cd0.
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: RSP: 002b:00007ffed44e6970 EFLAGS: 00010206
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: RAX: 00000000800c0005 RBX: 0000000000000005 RCX: 0001151898800000
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: RDX: 00011518988641b0 RSI: 0000000000000064 RDI: 00001518988b14e0
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: RBP: 000015189a600060 R08: 0000000000000001 R09: 00000000011370d4
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: R10: 0000000000000005 R11: 0000000000000001 R12: 0000000000000055
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: R13: 0001000000000050 R14: 000015189a616e50 R15: 000015189a600040
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: Modules linked in: xt_mark nft_compat nft_counter nvidia_uvm(PO) xt_nat macvlan xt_CHECKSUM ipt_REJECT nf_reject_ipv4 xt_tcpudp ip6table_mangle ip6table_nat iptable_mangle nf_tables vhost_net tun vhost vhost_iotlb tap xt_conntrack xt_MASQUERADE nf_conntrack_netlink nfnetlink xt_addrtype iptable_nat nf_nat nf_conntrack nf_defrag_ipv6 nf_defrag_ipv4 br_netfilter xfs nfsd lockd grace sunrpc md_mod nvidia_drm(PO) nvidia_modeset(PO) drm_kms_helper syscopyarea sysfillrect sysimgblt fb_sys_fops nvidia(PO) drm backlight agpgart it87 hwmon_vid wireguard curve25519_x86_64 libcurve25519_generic libchacha20poly1305 chacha_x86_64 poly1305_x86_64 ip6_udp_tunnel udp_tunnel libblake2s blake2s_x86_64 libblake2s_generic libchacha ip6table_filter ip6_tables iptable_filter ip_tables x_tables wmi_bmof mxm_wmi edac_mce_amd amd_energy btusb btrtl btbcm btintel kvm_amd bluetooth kvm crct10dif_pclmul igb crc32_pclmul crc32c_intel ghash_clmulni_intel aesni_intel ecdh_generic crypto_simd ecc cryptd ccp
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: i2c_piix4 ahci i2c_algo_bit glue_helper i2c_core libahci rapl k10temp thermal button acpi_cpufreq wmi nvme nvme_core
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: ---[ end trace a35bf397933c9bf7 ]---
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: RIP: 0010:0xffffffff826bbdb4
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: Code: 00 00 00 00 00 00 c0 b5 4e eb 25 15 00 00 58 e7 51 eb 25 15 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c0 b5 4e eb 25 15 00 00 00 00 00 00 <00> 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 01 00 77 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: RSP: 0018:ffffc9000565be28 EFLAGS: 00010246
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffff888102674800 RCX: 0000000000000000
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: RDX: ffff889f53979c00 RSI: ffff88873c7b3000 RDI: ffff888102674bc8
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: ffff889b6dbb5c00
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: R10: 0000000000000000 R11: ffff88873c7b3000 R12: 0000000000000000
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: R13: ffff888102674bc8 R14: ffff888102674bc8 R15: 0000000000000000
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: FS:  0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff889ffd3c0000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: CS:  0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: CR2: 0000149d85630180 CR3: 0000001a0e882000 CR4: 0000000000350ee0
    Aug 18 10:05:05 PlexServer kernel: Fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed!
    Aug 18 10:05:06 PlexServer kernel: umip: Tdarr_Node[51140] ip:35de076ca3c9 sp:7ffcabe12398: STR instruction cannot be used by applications.
    Aug 18 10:05:06 PlexServer kernel: umip: Tdarr_Node[51140] ip:35de076ca3c9 sp:7ffcabe12398: For now, expensive software emulation returns the result.




    [Aug18 10:04] kernel tried to execute NX-protected page - exploit attempt? (uid: 0)
    [  +0.000044] BUG: unable to handle page fault for address: ffffffff826bbdb4
    [  +0.000030] #PF: supervisor instruction fetch in kernel mode
    [  +0.000025] #PF: error_code(0x0011) - permissions violation
    [  +0.000025] PGD 200e067 P4D 200e067 PUD 200f063 PMD 80000000026001e3 
    [  +0.000030] Oops: 0011 [#1] SMP NOPTI
    [  +0.000019] CPU: 9 PID: 121827 Comm: kworker/u256:5 Tainted: P           O      5.10.28-Unraid #1
    [  +0.000044] Hardware name: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. TRX40 AORUS MASTER/TRX40 AORUS MASTER, BIOS F6 11/23/2021
    [  +0.000053] Workqueue: events_freezable_power_ thermal_zone_device_check
    [  +0.000029] RIP: 0010:0xffffffff826bbdb4
    [  +0.000020] Code: 00 00 00 00 00 00 c0 b5 4e eb 25 15 00 00 58 e7 51 eb 25 15 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c0 b5 4e eb 25 15 00 00 00 00 00 00 <00> 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 01 00 77 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    [  +0.000085] RSP: 0018:ffffc9000565be28 EFLAGS: 00010246
    [  +0.000024] RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffff888102674800 RCX: 0000000000000000
    [  +0.000030] RDX: ffff889f53979c00 RSI: ffff88873c7b3000 RDI: ffff888102674bc8
    [  +0.000030] RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: ffff889b6dbb5c00
    [  +0.000030] R10: 0000000000000000 R11: ffff88873c7b3000 R12: 0000000000000000
    [  +0.000030] R13: ffff888102674bc8 R14: ffff888102674bc8 R15: 0000000000000000
    [  +0.000030] FS:  0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff889ffd240000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000
    [  +0.000034] CS:  0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033
    [  +0.000025] CR2: ffffffff826bbdb4 CR3: 00000018233ca000 CR4: 0000000000350ee0
    [  +0.000030] Call Trace:
    [  +0.000017]  ? thermal_zone_set_trips+0x2e/0x134
    [  +0.000024]  ? thermal_get_temp+0x1e/0x37 [thermal]
    [  +0.000023]  ? thermal_zone_device_update+0xa8/0xe5
    [  +0.000024]  ? process_one_work+0x13c/0x1d5
    [  +0.000020]  ? worker_thread+0x18b/0x22f
    [  +0.000020]  ? process_scheduled_works+0x27/0x27
    [  +0.000022]  ? kthread+0xe5/0xea
    [  +0.000017]  ? __kthread_bind_mask+0x57/0x57
    [  +0.000021]  ? ret_from_fork+0x22/0x30
    [  +0.003626] traps: extendedTest.ph[97763] general protection fault ip:881cfa sp:7ffed44e6970 error:0
    [  +0.003722] Modules linked in: xt_mark nft_compat nft_counter nvidia_uvm(PO) xt_nat macvlan xt_CHECKSUM ipt_REJECT nf_reject_ipv4 xt_tcpudp ip6table_mangle ip6table_nat
    [  +0.000061]  in php[600000+336000]
    [  +0.000001]  iptable_mangle nf_tables
    [  +0.000122]  vhost_net tun vhost vhost_iotlb tap xt_conntrack xt_MASQUERADE nf_conntrack_netlink nfnetlink xt_addrtype iptable_nat nf_nat nf_conntrack nf_defrag_ipv6 nf_defrag_ipv4 br_netfilter xfs nfsd lockd grace sunrpc md_mod nvidia_drm(PO) nvidia_modeset(PO) drm_kms_helper syscopyarea sysfillrect sysimgblt fb_sys_fops nvidia(PO) drm backlight agpgart it87 hwmon_vid wireguard curve25519_x86_64 libcurve25519_generic libchacha20poly1305 chacha_x86_64 poly1305_x86_64 ip6_udp_tunnel udp_tunnel libblake2s blake2s_x86_64 libblake2s_generic libchacha ip6table_filter ip6_tables iptable_filter ip_tables x_tables wmi_bmof mxm_wmi edac_mce_amd amd_energy btusb btrtl btbcm btintel kvm_amd bluetooth kvm crct10dif_pclmul igb crc32_pclmul crc32c_intel ghash_clmulni_intel aesni_intel ecdh_generic crypto_simd ecc cryptd ccp i2c_piix4 ahci i2c_algo_bit glue_helper i2c_core libahci rapl k10temp thermal button acpi_cpufreq wmi nvme nvme_core
    [  +0.000410] CR2: ffffffff826bbdb4
    [  +0.000568] ---[ end trace a35bf397933c9bf6 ]---
    [  +0.000001] general protection fault, probably for non-canonical address 0xfffe8881e212c9f8: 0000 [#2] SMP NOPTI
    [  +0.000003] CPU: 15 PID: 97763 Comm: extendedTest.ph Tainted: P      D    O      5.10.28-Unraid #1
    [  +0.000075] RIP: 0010:0xffffffff826bbdb4
    [  +0.000003] Code: 00 00 00 00 00 00 c0 b5 4e eb 25 15 00 00 58 e7 51 eb 25 15 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c0 b5 4e eb 25 15 00 00 00 00 00 00 <00> 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 01 00 77 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    [  +0.000107] Hardware name: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. TRX40 AORUS MASTER/TRX40 AORUS MASTER, BIOS F6 11/23/2021
    [  +0.000007] RIP: 0010:unlink_anon_vmas+0x62/0x127
    [  +0.000095] RSP: 0018:ffffc9000565be28 EFLAGS: 00010246
    [  +0.000077] Code: 6d 08 4c 89 e7 49 8b 75 00 e8 d9 eb ff ff 49 8d 75 40 48 89 ef 49 89 c4 e8 a5 b7 fe ff 49 8b 45 40 48 85 c0 75 09 49 8b 45 38 <ff> 48 34 eb 29 48 8b 45 18 48 89 ef 48 8b 55 10 48 89 42 08 48 89
    [  +0.000002] RSP: 0000:ffffc90004473bd8 EFLAGS: 00010246
    [  +0.000139] RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffff888102674800 RCX: 0000000000000000
    [  +0.000002] RDX: ffff889f53979c00 RSI: ffff88873c7b3000 RDI: ffff888102674bc8
    [  +0.000110] RAX: fffe8881e212c9f8 RBX: ffff889fd3936600 RCX: ffff8899187fd2e0
    [  +0.000077] RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: ffff889b6dbb5c00
    [  +0.000001] R10: 0000000000000000 R11: ffff88873c7b3000 R12: 0000000000000000
    [  +0.000089] RDX: 0000000000000001 RSI: 0000000000000000 RDI: 0000000000000000
    [  +0.000001] RBP: ffff8899187fd2c0 R08: 000015189cf76000 R09: 0000000000000000
    [  +0.000140] R13: ffff888102674bc8 R14: ffff888102674bc8 R15: 0000000000000000
    [  +0.000002] FS:  0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff889ffd240000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000
    [  +0.000080] R10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0000000000000000 R12: ffff8881e212c9f8
    [  +0.000002] R13: ffff8881e212c9f8 R14: ffff889fd3936668 R15: dead000000000100
    [  +0.000085] CS:  0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033
    [  +0.000002] CR2: ffffffff826bbdb4 CR3: 00000018233ca000 CR4: 0000000000350ee0
    [  +0.000089] FS:  0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff889ffd3c0000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000
    [  +0.000002] CS:  0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033
    [  +0.001212] CR2: 0000149d85630180 CR3: 0000001a0e882000 CR4: 0000000000350ee0
    [  +0.000088] Call Trace:
    [  +0.000073]  free_pgtables+0x81/0xbb
    [  +0.000076]  exit_mmap+0xc4/0x155
    [  +0.000075]  __mmput+0x3b/0xcf
    [  +0.000081]  do_exit+0x3b4/0x8eb
    [  +0.000073]  do_group_exit+0x8e/0x8e
    [  +0.000075]  get_signal+0x1b3/0x599
    [  +0.000075]  arch_do_signal+0x2b/0x705
    [  +0.000076]  ? signal_wake_up_state+0x11/0x20
    [  +0.000078]  ? __send_signal+0x1c5/0x233
    [  +0.000078]  exit_to_user_mode_prepare+0x38/0xc6
    [  +0.000080]  irqentry_exit_to_user_mode+0x5/0x12
    [  +0.000079]  exc_general_protection+0x1aa/0x1cc
    [  +0.000079]  ? vfs_write+0xec/0x121
    [  +0.000075]  ? asm_exc_general_protection+0x8/0x30
    [  +0.000080]  asm_exc_general_protection+0x1e/0x30
    [  +0.000079] RIP: 0033:0x881cfa
    [  +0.000078] Code: Unable to access opcode bytes at RIP 0x881cd0.
    [  +0.000085] RSP: 002b:00007ffed44e6970 EFLAGS: 00010206
    [  +0.000081] RAX: 00000000800c0005 RBX: 0000000000000005 RCX: 0001151898800000
    [  +0.000088] RDX: 00011518988641b0 RSI: 0000000000000064 RDI: 00001518988b14e0
    [  +0.000088] RBP: 000015189a600060 R08: 0000000000000001 R09: 00000000011370d4
    [  +0.000089] R10: 0000000000000005 R11: 0000000000000001 R12: 0000000000000055
    [  +0.000088] R13: 0001000000000050 R14: 000015189a616e50 R15: 000015189a600040
    [  +0.000090] Modules linked in: xt_mark nft_compat nft_counter nvidia_uvm(PO) xt_nat macvlan xt_CHECKSUM ipt_REJECT nf_reject_ipv4 xt_tcpudp ip6table_mangle ip6table_nat iptable_mangle nf_tables vhost_net tun vhost vhost_iotlb tap xt_conntrack xt_MASQUERADE nf_conntrack_netlink nfnetlink xt_addrtype iptable_nat nf_nat nf_conntrack nf_defrag_ipv6 nf_defrag_ipv4 br_netfilter xfs nfsd lockd grace sunrpc md_mod nvidia_drm(PO) nvidia_modeset(PO) drm_kms_helper syscopyarea sysfillrect sysimgblt fb_sys_fops nvidia(PO) drm backlight agpgart it87 hwmon_vid wireguard curve25519_x86_64 libcurve25519_generic libchacha20poly1305 chacha_x86_64 poly1305_x86_64 ip6_udp_tunnel udp_tunnel libblake2s blake2s_x86_64 libblake2s_generic libchacha ip6table_filter ip6_tables iptable_filter ip_tables x_tables wmi_bmof mxm_wmi edac_mce_amd amd_energy btusb btrtl btbcm btintel kvm_amd bluetooth kvm crct10dif_pclmul igb crc32_pclmul crc32c_intel ghash_clmulni_intel aesni_intel ecdh_generic crypto_simd ecc cryptd ccp
    [  +0.000043]  i2c_piix4 ahci i2c_algo_bit glue_helper i2c_core libahci rapl k10temp thermal button acpi_cpufreq wmi nvme nvme_core
    [  +0.000630] ---[ end trace a35bf397933c9bf7 ]---
    [  +0.000081] RIP: 0010:0xffffffff826bbdb4
    [  +0.000080] Code: 00 00 00 00 00 00 c0 b5 4e eb 25 15 00 00 58 e7 51 eb 25 15 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c0 b5 4e eb 25 15 00 00 00 00 00 00 <00> 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 01 00 77 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    [  +0.000150] RSP: 0018:ffffc9000565be28 EFLAGS: 00010246
    [  +0.000082] RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffff888102674800 RCX: 0000000000000000
    [  +0.000090] RDX: ffff889f53979c00 RSI: ffff88873c7b3000 RDI: ffff888102674bc8
    [  +0.000092] RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: ffff889b6dbb5c00
    [  +0.000091] R10: 0000000000000000 R11: ffff88873c7b3000 R12: 0000000000000000
    [  +0.000093] R13: ffff888102674bc8 R14: ffff888102674bc8 R15: 0000000000000000
    [  +0.000088] FS:  0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff889ffd3c0000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000
    [  +0.000093] CS:  0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033
    [  +0.000082] CR2: 0000149d85630180 CR3: 0000001a0e882000 CR4: 0000000000350ee0
    [  +0.000089] Fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed!
    [Aug18 10:05] umip: Tdarr_Node[51140] ip:35de076ca3c9 sp:7ffcabe12398: STR instruction cannot be used by applications.
    [  +0.000112] umip: Tdarr_Node[51140] ip:35de076ca3c9 sp:7ffcabe12398: For now, expensive software emulation returns the result.



    Any idea how to find out what is it related to, PCI device, or what ?


  13. Reporting back: on 6.9.2 - Parity check finished, it fixed 4 "Sync errors corrected:" same as before on 6.10 when it crashed. 


    Aug 17 23:31:44 PlexServer kernel: md: recovery thread: P corrected, sector=19695876888
    Aug 17 23:31:44 PlexServer kernel: md: recovery thread: P corrected, sector=19695876944
    Aug 17 23:31:44 PlexServer kernel: md: recovery thread: P corrected, sector=19695877192
    Aug 17 23:31:44 PlexServer kernel: md: recovery thread: P corrected, sector=19695877216
    Aug 18 00:10:33 PlexServer flash_backup: adding task: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.my.servers/scripts/UpdateFlashBackup update
    Aug 18 01:24:32 PlexServer webGUI: Successful login user root from
    Aug 18 04:26:14 PlexServer kernel: md: sync done. time=79748sec
    Aug 18 04:26:14 PlexServer kernel: md: recovery thread: exit status: 0


    However, it did not die, its going ok so far. I'll give it another day if its going to work without crash and call it a bug in 6.10

  14. 1 hour ago, JorgeB said:

    Also make sure this is correctly set.

    Hmm It is Threadripper in it, and 4x 32 GB ram Patriot Viper 4 DDR4 3600Mhz, I seated them exactly as the manual specified. In the table from your link the max supported speed is 3200 ( I need to check in BIOS what speed the RAMs are using ) . Checking the processor now, it really max out on 3200 (Threadripper 3960x) ... depending on what's in BIOS I might need to dial it down. C state I think I set correctly (I'll give it another look if it dies)


    EDIT: checked dmidecode and RAM is set to 2666 Mhz so that should be ok.

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