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Everything posted by BrianK

  1. I try to follow the video but i cant choose Custum br0: in the list and therefore cant assign the ip.. I think i'm getting more and more confused as I try to figure it out. Has it something to do with the routing table? (bridging is enabled)
  2. When I run the command nothing happens?? for iommu_group in $(find /sys/kernel/iommu_groups/ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d);do echo "IOMMU group $(basename "$iommu_group")"; for device in $(\ls -1 "$iommu_group"/devices/); do if [[ -e "$iommu_group"/devices/"$device"/reset ]]; then echo -n "[RESET]"; fi; echo -n $'\t';lspci -nns "$device"; done; done