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Posts posted by RivaSABB

  1. great info for the webgui to work but i am in same boat now. No compatible virtualbox. Might be time to learn docker :(


    I hear you! I am running v6b12 and cant upgrade until its compiled for the new kernel. Only reason I cant leave is because of a WinVM that I am running.


    .... O well....

  2. Hi, I can help with that. PhAzE had a very helpful few lines which you can add to your "GO" file.


    #PhAzE v12 Updates - virtualbox

    cp -r /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/webGui/phaze.page /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix

    echo "" >> /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/virtualbox/virtualbox.page

    echo "---" >> /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/virtualbox/virtualbox.page

    echo "" >> /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/virtualbox/virtualbox.page

    cat /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/virtualbox/virtualbox.php >> /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/virtualbox/virtualbox.page

    rm -f /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/virtualbox/virtualbox.php

    sed -i 's!\r!!g' /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/virtualbox/virtualbox.page


    Instead of restarting, after you add this to the GO file open a Telnet session and past the script in there and press enter. Refresh the VirtualBox settings page and it should now appear.



    Thanks for suggestion, but I'm afraid this will not work, looking at the addition suggested to the GO file I checked around my file system and "/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/webGui/phaze.page" does not even exist on my system.


    Hopefully we will see native support of b12+ within this plugin soon, until then I'll wait!


    If you pop this in it will work. I am fairly confident because I am using it now.


    Give it a whirl, nothing to loose and would greatly appreciate a v6b14a update.



  3. will this plugin work on v6b12+???


    I have been unable to get this plugin working on 6b12+.


    I just attempted with 6b14b, I was going to compile VirtualBox for my kernel myself. I installed the plg using the webui but I could not access the plugin settings page, it was just blank even after a restart.


    Hopefully it will be updated at some stage!


    Hi, I can help with that. PhAzE had a very helpful few lines which you can add to your "GO" file.


    #PhAzE v12 Updates - virtualbox

    cp -r /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/webGui/phaze.page /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix

    echo "" >> /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/virtualbox/virtualbox.page

    echo "---" >> /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/virtualbox/virtualbox.page

    echo "" >> /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/virtualbox/virtualbox.page

    cat /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/virtualbox/virtualbox.php >> /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/virtualbox/virtualbox.page

    rm -f /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/virtualbox/virtualbox.php

    sed -i 's!\r!!g' /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/virtualbox/virtualbox.page


    Instead of restarting, after you add this to the GO file open a Telnet session and past the script in there and press enter. Refresh the VirtualBox settings page and it should now appear.



  4. @RivaSABB, what did you remove again?  The old plugins?  But I've already done that.  I've placed the v2 plugins on the config/plugins directory.  Do you mean I do an installplg and configure them 1 by 1 all over instead


    I removed just the plg's. Didnt have to redo any of the configs. I did rename for Sonarr but that was it. Took a while as I assume there are some changes. Also remember to correct the go fiel if you have not already.



  5. Hello PhAzE,


    I replaced all v1 plugins with v2, and removed dynamix.  Upon reboot, Unraid comes back up quickly, with access to webgui immediately.  Though the plugins don't install by themselves.  Any ideas?


    Had the same problem, I removed just the plugins and re-installed again.


    Worked like a charm, good luck.

  6. Where does nothing display? In the plugin settings?


    Edit: I would try removing then reinstalling the plugin if that's the problem.


    Grey rows appear but now columns or content. Don't even get any error codes.


    Will investigate further today.


    Thanks for the reply.

    Are you on 10 or 12 now? I just removed the plugin and renamed /boot/config/plugin/apache to apache.old Then reinstalled and all is fine I my end.


    I am on 12, no settings have changed between the updates so not sure whats going on. I will dig around and get back to you with the results.


    Thanks for the response.

  7. Some comments on the above topic would be highly appreciated.


    Had a similar problem some time back and fixed it by changing the IP for the vboxserver host ip to I also left the port on the standard 18083. Any changes from that yielded a similar problem. Let me know if it helps.



  8. Many versions back of VirtualBox and when there was no unRAID 6, I wrote this guide: http://vbox.a1aina.com/install.php


    Most of the information specific links are out-dated and no longer available... if you just need an overview and can find newer versions of web servers and such, it "might" help you. If you need specific instructions and don't want to look into newer or different versions, avoid it.


    Once the guide was good, but things kept changing and I was unable to dedicate the time to keep it up. I'm working lots of overtime at work and recently moved to a new place (still trying to get everything unpacked and settled in)... so I won't be able to do any updating in the foreseeable future.


    Thanks for responding Lainie.


    Regarding the plugin, I still use your origional plugin and with PhAzE giving us the update in the Go file I am able to get the GUI loaded. The problem I have is that there is a new Kernel with V6B12. Could you tell me how to unpack and repack for the new kernel?


  9. I haven't got the time to do the update now.


    I have tried pHaZe's workaround for the gui and it works just fine.


    Would it be possible to just repack for the new kernel? Or is there more to it than that?


    Can anyone else help? This is the last update before upgrading to V6b12.




  10. ahh balls!, i didnt realize to compile the plexpass app you needed to be a plexpass member, sorry my bad ironicbadger, i thought the issue you mentioned was due to a licencing restriction with distribution and NOT because you physically couldn't download the source files, i too am not a plexpass member so cant grab the files to compile the package  :-[


    ok so over to anybody with a valid plexpass member account, this is how you would compile a package from AUR, if you can succesfully do this then please send a link to the compiled package over to ironicbadger so he can include it in his repo.

    How to create compiled packages from AUR

    [*]run command "pacman -Syu" - ensures your running up to date arch linux

    [*]run command "pacman -S --needed base-devel" - this installs required libraries to compile

    [*]run command "pacman -S wget" - this allows easy download of tarball to vm

    [*]go to aur and search for required app https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?setlang=en

    [*]click on name of app and copy link address for "Download tarball" link on the right

    [*]run command "wget <url of download tarball link on aur>

    [*]run command "tar -xzf <name of tarball file downloaded>

    [*]switch to folder created by the untar command above

    [*]run command "makepkg -s --asroot" - to create package

    [*]run command "pacman -U <resulting compiled package with tar.xz extension>" - this installs the package


    the above looks like a lot of steps, in reality you can very quickly compile a package for any app with little effort, of course the preferred way is to use a central repo (such as ironic's) to reduce the number of people having to do the above to a minimum  ;)


    edit - hehehe it looks like if you put in any username and password it allows the download  8), pm will be sent with link to compiled package in next 30 mins.


    Followed all the steps and got almost there but I think I have a python issue.


    Any chance of getting nzbmegasearch as a package?




    If not how do I autostart this?

  11. I've managed to get nzbmegasearch working for unraid 5 and 6, and will update the plugins later today to use python 2.7.3 (i used this version as nzbmegasearch is not compatible with 2.7.5 and all the other apps work on 2.7.3)


    The plex app is just being tested by a few to make sure the plex pass login is working, then it will be up too.


    I'll have a look at the new plugin structure to see how different it is from what i've made so far.


    Legend - Thanks!


    NZBMegasearch is failing after a few minutes. Not sure why, I have attached the log file to help.

    Can you tell me which version of unraid you are running, as well as go to prompt and type "python --version" and let me know what version shows up?


    unRaid 6Beta5

    Python 2.7.5


    I have deleted the entire package directory and installed all the plg's from scratch via terminal. All the packages have been changed over to all your ver6 plg's (except for plex at this point), so if it is calling up the wrong Python package I am not sure why.

    NZBMegaSearch is not compatible with Python 2.7.5.  All of my plugins currently use python 2.7.3 for that reason, which means you have another plugin installed that is installing a newer version of python. 


    You can have a look at your plugins (*.plg) files to find the one dong this, and replace the code that installs python 2.7.5 with this:


    <FILE Name="/boot/packages/python-2.7.5-x86_64-1.txz" Run="upgradepkg --install-new">





    then reboot. The only catch is, whatever plugin that is using the new version needs to be compatible with 2.7.3, which if you're using sickbeard, couchpotato, or any of those downloader apps, they all are.


    Your script still downloads python-2.7.5 - or did I miss something?

  12. I've managed to get nzbmegasearch working for unraid 5 and 6, and will update the plugins later today to use python 2.7.3 (i used this version as nzbmegasearch is not compatible with 2.7.5 and all the other apps work on 2.7.3)


    The plex app is just being tested by a few to make sure the plex pass login is working, then it will be up too.


    I'll have a look at the new plugin structure to see how different it is from what i've made so far.


    Legend - Thanks!


    NZBMegasearch is failing after a few minutes. Not sure why, I have attached the log file to help.

    Can you tell me which version of unraid you are running, as well as go to prompt and type "python --version" and let me know what version shows up?


    unRaid 6Beta5

    Python 2.7.5


    I have deleted the entire package directory and installed all the plg's from scratch via terminal. All the packages have been changed over to all your ver6 plg's (except for plex at this point), so if it is calling up the wrong Python package I am not sure why.

  13. I've managed to get nzbmegasearch working for unraid 5 and 6, and will update the plugins later today to use python 2.7.3 (i used this version as nzbmegasearch is not compatible with 2.7.5 and all the other apps work on 2.7.3)


    The plex app is just being tested by a few to make sure the plex pass login is working, then it will be up too.


    I'll have a look at the new plugin structure to see how different it is from what i've made so far.


    Legend - Thanks!


    NZBMegasearch is failing after a few minutes. Not sure why, I have attached the log file to help.


  14. I've managed to get nzbmegasearch working for unraid 5 and 6, and will update the plugins later today to use python 2.7.3 (i used this version as nzbmegasearch is not compatible with 2.7.5 and all the other apps work on 2.7.3)


    The plex app is just being tested by a few to make sure the plex pass login is working, then it will be up too.


    I'll have a look at the new plugin structure to see how different it is from what i've made so far.


    Legend - Thanks!

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