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Everything posted by reakwon_floyd

  1. seems like i have a quite similar problem I am trying to passthrough an pcie-usb controller. It works in unraid, i can bind it with the vfio plugin, and it finally shows up under other pci cards in the vm template. however, when i add it and start the vm, first the vm gets paused, then the vm tab gets unresponsive and finally the whole server goes dead. gpu passthrough and everything works, i just need the usb controller to work aswell, so i can make use of my audio interface in macos (but the same problem occurs for win vm) tried reading and trying all sort of things, but either the pci card doesn't show at all as a passthrough card (connected devices are recognized though, so unraid clearly can work with this card) or the pci card is selectable (obviously the devices do not show, when the pci card is bound) but the vms crash. I also tried spaceinvaders way with the vfio-pci-ids= add in syslinux line, but didn't really work somehow since the connected devices were still available in unraid, so not sure what went wrong there. any advice or waypoints i should check out?
  2. have to check if there is enough space on the Motherboard and in the case itself. 2 kinda big GPUs. any recommendations for a card?
  3. got my catalina VM working really well, appstore, imessage, icloud... everything works just like it should the only thing i just cannot get to work at all: sound it is choppy, glitchy, alot of noise and distortion. no matter what USB device i throw at it (Behringer Boxes, Creative DAC, Guitar Amp with USB) all of them work just fine without any hickups in the Windows 10 VM on the same machine. i've been googling around the last few hours, but couldn't come up with anything working. (tried of course all the different settings within Macos 44,1/48 khz. no real improvments either way) on a ryzen 3600 i pinned unraid to cpu 0,6 - Dockers to 1,7 - Win VM 2,8 and 3,9 - and OSX VM to 4,10 and 5,11 anybody got an idea what i am doing wrong?
  4. love macinabox! struggled a few months installing a ryzentosh but never got it to work, macinabox (and unraid was up and running within a weekend - including basic get to know with unraid that being said: i am trying to figure out to move the osx vm to a dedicated disk. preferable as an unassigned device, just like i did with my windows vm. Is there a way to move the (i think) 3 images (clover, recovery and the vdisk?) onto and `extract` them onto 3 new partitions? I want to move the whole macos vm onto a dedicated disk, preferable as an unassigned device
  5. would this work with mac os too? if i clone the efi and all other partions that are working in unraid?
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