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Posts posted by joecool169

  1. Okay, I'll try that.

     I rebooted and everything appears to have returned to normal. But when I tried to reboot the system would not shut down. It couldn't unmount /mnt/user, so I had to push the reset. It is currently running parity so I think I'll let that finish.

  2. I think I have cache drive issues. I was trouble shooting a docker container that I could not get to run. After trying many things I went to tools and ran docker safe perms. After that nothing worked right in docker. I stopped the docker service and have not been able to get it to start again.





    Extended test has been running for 4 hours-




  3. 4 hours ago, joecool169 said:

    It seems like I have all my issues sorted out. Changing these network settings you suggested fixed the network issues.


    Deleting and reinstalling the nextcloud container fixed my issues there - still not sure what was wrong with it


    And my usb flash was failing for the 3rd time. Not sure why these do not last, first one was a cheap micro center one, the last 2 were Samsung's


    But now I can not choose br0 as a network in my docker container configs and therefore can't select a custom ip address for pihole.

    I figured this out on my own,

    I went to unraid settings, stopped docker, and then checked the box for custom data network br0

    • Like 1
  4. On 6/7/2022 at 5:09 AM, JorgeB said:

    Don't see anything strange with the network config, though you are using eth2 as the main NIC with bonding and there's no link on the other two NICs, just to rule out some issues with that I would suggest setting eth2 as eth0 and disabling bonding to see if it makes any difference.

    It seems like I have all my issues sorted out. Changing these network settings you suggested fixed the network issues.


    Deleting and reinstalling the nextcloud container fixed my issues there - still not sure what was wrong with it


    And my usb flash was failing for the 3rd time. Not sure why these do not last, first one was a cheap micro center one, the last 2 were Samsung's


    But now I can not choose br0 as a network in my docker container configs and therefore can't select a custom ip address for pihole.

  5. 4 hours ago, JorgeB said:

    That's completely unrelated, looks more like a board issue, also make sure you set the active NIC to eth0, if there are issues you can always delete/rename /boot/config/network.cfg to get back to default, with bonding enabled.

    I do not know Linux that well, but I can tell you changing the network settings in unraid is almost guaranteed to cause the system not to boot. Also seems to sometimes cause other various issues, like the webui going from dark to light without me changing the setting.


    In any case, I'm using eth0 now with bonding disabled. Should I start a thread in docker containers about why I still can't access nextcloud docker? It sure feels like a network issue.

  6. So step by step here is what I did.

    Stop docker

    Remove bond

    wait 20 minutes - server never came back on network

    plug keyboard and monitor into server - won't wake up

    hit reset button - choose unraid gui from boot menu

    local host unable to access - wait 15 minutes - started working

    switch eth 2 and eth 0 in unraid gui

    reboot into gui

    wait 10 minutes for it to work again - check network access on unraid ip - working

    reboot to no gui - unraid never got an ip address - had a 169.xxx something address

    type reboot

    got usb error

    reboot again - everything works - still no access to nextcloud webgui


  7. 3166887515c4fe94c220d1634b7c6381.jpg
    Bonding is off and I now have no access to my server even in the unraid gui itself. Local host unable to connect. If I even look at the network setting in unraid it falls apart. Always been this way.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  8. So I have been struggling with some very strange issues. Things like docker containers becoming inaccessible through the webui. I recently spent 2 1/2 days trying to get wordpress docker to work. At 1 point my internal usb adaptor seemed to fail. I had some strange issues like unraid seemed to lose some of it's settings. For example I refreshed the unraid gui and I was no longer in dark mode. Many many other things acted strange. When I attempted to reboot the server could not find the usb flash. So I moved the flash to a port on the back of the motherboard and most things have seemed fine since.


    But tonight I decided to try and troubleshoot my nextcloud docker container. With the help of smdion in the discord we figured out that Unraid has some very strange network things going on. So I'll attach a diagnostic. If I can answer any more questions please lmk. 


    The wordpress docker is hosting the website for my small business which I prefer to keep active as much as possible.


  9. Quote

    Error: Array to string conversion at /config/www/nextcloud/lib/private/L10N/L10NString.php#79



    /config/www/nextcloud/lib/private/L10N/L10NString.php - line 79:


    /config/www/nextcloud/lib/private/L10N/L10N.php - line 110:


    /config/www/nextcloud/lib/private/L10N/LazyL10N.php - line 53:


    /config/www/nextcloud/apps/updatenotification/lib/Notification/Notifier.php - line 145:


    /config/www/nextcloud/lib/private/Notification/Manager.php - line 299:


    /config/www/nextcloud/apps/notifications/lib/Controller/EndpointController.php - line 106:


    /config/www/nextcloud/lib/private/AppFramework/Http/Dispatcher.php - line 169:


    /config/www/nextcloud/lib/private/AppFramework/Http/Dispatcher.php - line 100:


    /config/www/nextcloud/lib/private/AppFramework/App.php - line 152:


    /config/www/nextcloud/lib/private/Route/Router.php - line 309:


    /config/www/nextcloud/ocs/v1.php - line 88:


    /config/www/nextcloud/ocs/v2.php - line 24:

    require_once("/config/www ... p")

    I'm wondering what all this means? It pops up in logging every 30 seconds.

  10. 32 minutes ago, Carlos said:

    Hi there folks!


    Today an expired certificate error message from my Win10 Nextcloud client hit me when I logged in. Looking around I found this, should I clic "Trust this certificate anyway" and forget about it or should I change something in my SWAG config?



    I'm having this untrusted certificate issue with nextcloud. Just started today for me as well.

  11. I could see that setting causing a lockup as the post suggests. But I've been stable for months. Now suddenly the system shuts down. This is not a freeze or lockup, this is the system goes completely dark with no warning. Temps are all good. The only thing I have changed lately was moving governor off performance mode so the a/c in that room doesn't work quite as hard.

  12. Thanks for the replies,


     Bought a new psu yesterday. 1300W EVGA. So far no shut downs.


    Gave it a little stress test last night. Found that with 100% gpu load and around 30% cpu load my system will pull over 800 watts. Perhaps the previous 1000 watt psu was not quite enough.


    I'll mark this as solved.


    Just did it again 😡

  13. I'm in there, the reason for asking was twofold. One I wanted to join the IRC and see if there was much activity there. And two, I wanted to find out what in the world I'm doing wrong so that I can also join other IRC channels.

  14. I had an 8 port lsi card and upgraded to LSI SAS2116 card to add more drives.


    I'm a big fan of the LSI cards, they are recommended by the community on a regular basis and I have had no issue with mine. In fact the one I just retired will be going into a second server that I am building for work.


    As far as the network card I would make sure your settings are optimized and check your current speed. I think you likely won't gain much speed, unless you do something like link aggregation on the lan side with the extra port. I think the extra ports come in handy for vlans too but not required.

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