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Posts posted by Eviseration

  1. I have been running into situations where I get a notification that my nvme drive (which I used for my cache pool) is overheating.  When I log into my system, all CPUs are maxed out, Memory is maxed out (which is normally at about 40%). Basically, something is causing the system to redline itself.  This requires a forced reboot to clear it (shutdown won't even respond).  This happened again today.  Can anyone think of anything that could be causing this?  I do have a windows VM and Docker containers running and I know I need to upload logs to really figure out the issue (I neglected to download the diagnostics before rebooting so I'm assuming anything helpful for figuring this out is lost.  I'm running 6.11.5.


    If anyone has any hits on what I should collect the next time this happens (which will probably be next week), I'll make sure I collect everything before rebooting. 

  2. Question, if you run an intel chip (with onboard graphic card), can you then use 1 graphic card for a windows VM Passthrough?  I currently have 1 graphics card and a Ryzen 5 2600x @3600mhz, so it doesn't support a mb graphics card, so my one and only card has to be assigned to Unraid, which means I can't use it for a windows VM (passthrough, b/c it's already assigned (unless I'm doing something wrong in my setup).  I thought I read something somewhere that one of the main differences between choosing AMD vs Intel is that with AMD, you HAD to purchase a graphics card vs Intel, you could just rely on the mb graphics.  

    The reason I'm asking is b/c my system is due for an upgrade (less due to performance, more due to I need something to do this Feb to get me through the crappy winter weather) and I'm trying to decide if I should go Intel or stick with AMD.

  3. Hello,  I am trying to add a new 12TB drive to my array. I pre cleared the disk prior to adding it to the array. When I added the disk to the array, it says it was unmountable (b/c I hadn't formatted it yet). I went ahead and formatted the drive, but the format stops after a couple of seconds and now the drive says it's Unmountable: Unsupported Partition Layout.  Im attaching the diagnostics.



    • Tried booting in GUI safe mode.  GUI doesn't come up, but the server does (Same issue).
    • Tried running Memtest86+ from the menu.  Nothing happened that I can tell.
    • I did create a new USB stick using the older backup I had.  Still get the same results where when booting to the GUI, I get a message stating it can't connect to localhost:<port>
    • I pulled down a fresh copy of Unraid and was able to boot up, but everything (settings, keys...) is lost.  Suggestions on how to proceed?  
  4. I rebooted my UNRAID server today and while it boots up, it will not boot into the GUI (Even from the server itself). Firefox will launch and it comes up with an error stating that it is unable to connect to localhost:<myport>.


    I have pulled the USB, reformatted it and installed my latest backup.  Still getting the same error.  

    I am able to ssh into the server, so it's up, just won't startup the GUI, which means everything else is dead.  Any ideas?

    Attaching Diagnostics file.



  5. I have configured Wireguard, and I'm able to connect to my Unraid server remotely.  I have the access type set to Remote Tunnel Access.  The issue I'm having is that I am unable to access any other servers on my network, nor am I able to access the internet when Wireguard is enabled on my MacBook. 

    The only thing I can think that might be causing an issue is that I have Pi Hole setup as my local DNS.  


  6. On 12/18/2020 at 11:25 AM, Unoid said:

    As of last week telegraf will no longer start: [telegraf] Error running agent: could not initialize input inputs.smart: smartctl not found: verify that smartctl is installed and it is in your PATH (or specified in config): provided path does not exist: []


    I have the .conf using sudo for execution, and PATH is fine. which smartctl shows /usr/sbin/smartctl, the binary runs just fine without adding the path to the command as well. echo $PATH includes /usr/sbin/.


    what's going on?


    EDIT: I see users above already mentioned this. I'm on 6.8.3 however

    I'm having the same issue.  I am referencing the /rootfs/usr/sbin/smartctl file in the docker container.  


    Just get this over and over.  

    2021-01-11T23:06:10Z E! [inputs.smart] Error in plugin: failed to run command '/rootfs/usr/sbin/smartctl [--scan]': fork/exec /rootfs/usr/sbin/smartctl: no such file or directory -

  7. I'm unable to get my Nvidia card to work with Handbrake on Unraid 6.9.35.  It's working with Plex, so I believe I have it configured correctly.  I am trying to use the H.265 NVEnc encoder.  


    But when I look at my GPU stats, it says it's idle.



    I have host key 6 set to all (NVIDIA Capabilities) and the GPUUUID set in the handbrake docker image.  I have also gone into the gui and tried several combinations in there, choosing both the h265 and h264 NVEnc encoding options. Nothing seems to work to engage my Nvidia card.


    Any thoughts?


    Screen Shot 2020-11-27 at 10.23.32 AM.png

  8. So, that's great that it's coming with 6.9.  Any idea when that will actually be released?  I mean, they are on version 35 right now.  Do we wait until 100 sometime in 2021 Q3 before they actually release it?

  9. On 10/12/2019 at 4:58 PM, blackrabbit said:

    @ljm42 I have attached some screenshots that show what we are talking about. 


    1. Active Connection on Phone




    2. Connection timed out when I tried to reach the unraid server. 

    3. Settings for WireGuard



    4. Dashboard VPN module



    I am having the same issue. 

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