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  1. Thanks to @randomninjaatk worked through the issues I was having (several due to misconfiguration, some me trying to juryrig things), adding the features I wanted, and we discovered some new issues with added features (which were fixed within hours). Just amazing, this container works perfectly for me now.
  2. That makes good sense, a static config file, with less variability that should help. Can you share your file config options, so I can hunt for errors in mine?
  3. Was it broken to begin with or did I mess something up and it was always working? Care to share your docker options?
  4. Woot...Woot! I’ll give it a try and report back.
  5. Totally my fault for not being clear, I appreciate the error check, I am using TRUE. However, is that the same in Sonarr-SMA? I see True and False used by default. When I run manual.py on my windows machine, there is verbose logging that shows the show matching, subtitle downloading. On Sonarr-SMA So if all those pre-reqs are installed, I'm confused why it would not even try, and nothing in the log, when subs is setup identical to my windows box via your options in docker. Reading your subsequent post, I appreciate you checking and updating the scripts. The more verbose output is hugely helpful. I assume just have update on, restart the container. I would like to assume the file is good rather than bad, yeah these uploaders are not tagging stuff, but 99.9% of the recent stuff is correct for me. I was thinking MKV cleaner would tag vid/auto/txt as default language if marked as UND/null, thanks for the clarification. But I don't want it deleted for sure. So perhaps an opportunity to add some options. Because Subs often don't match the screen, I usually manually download the SRT, then manually encode them into the file Example: ffmpeg -i "movie.mp4" -i "movie.srt" -c:s mov_text -c:v copy -c:a copy "movie-s.mp4" Adding the subs to the MP4, takes about 30 seconds. So it's fast, but I would love to automate. It seems like Plex is building this feature in these days, you can hit subs, more, and search for an SRT online. So maybe I should just worry about aud/vid. Or maybe I should drop everything into a sweep folder, like spaceinvader one on youtube recommends. Then setup a container/vm with SMA installed, and run the manual conversion. The problem is, I was able to follow the Reddit post to get mine working, I'm just not Linux proficient enough to do the same in Linux. But I'm learning alot in this process...thanks for all the effort.
  6. Thanks I had to shut off the post processing script, as it keeps deleting files, even after cleaner appears to run. Video Post Processor: Process with MKV Cleaner: True 2020-04-14 21:36:03,634::INFO::[postproc:388] Finished unpack_magic on XXXXX 2020-04-14 21:36:03,637::INFO::[postproc:558] Cleaning up XXXXX (keep_basic=False) I'm not sure it is running actually, what should the log to say when running the cleaner? On the subtitles issues, we would need a linux loadout like this (this is what I did on windows, the sub pre-reqs are missing in all sma containers): pip install requests pip install requests[security] pip install requests-cache pip install babelfish pip install "guessit<2" pip install "subliminal<2" pip install stevedore==1.19.1 pip install python-dateutil pip install deluge-client pip install qtfaststart
  7. So I turned it on in the docker config, rebooted. Still deleted a known English file. Any other settings to watch/enable? Is that a different post process script that needs to be enabled? On the subtitles, yeah, on my windows box and in the SMA instructions, you have to download subliminal and other files, I’d love to figure how to do this in a docker. MP4, 720p with subs added to the file is my ideal state. I normally execute SMA in Radarr and Sonarr, should I disable the settings in SAB? What do you recommend? If MKV Cleaner is lean enough, I would run it in SAB, then pass to Sonarr/Radarr and convert to MP4 there. Thanks for all of this, it’s been super helpful.
  8. So I use SMA in the docker container for Radarr and Sonarr, but it isn’t downloading or encoding subtitles, so that is another issue. I did put the same options in the SAB container, but it doesn’t appear to be executing anything. I actually had to add the deobfuscate script to the script folders as well. Maybe a recommended add? MKV Cleaner, where would I enable that...I don’t remember seeing it. How much extra processing are we talking?
  9. Now the issue is that it isn’t detecting English and deleting files. I’m wondering if I even need the scripts or perhaps I should alter some options. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. chmod 777 the scripts and problem goes away. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I have the same issue. Not sure why. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Ok, looking for a bit of guidance here. Here is what I have today: Windows running Plex, Sonarr, Radarr, SABNZBD. Sonarr and Radarr Execute the SMA after import. SMA converts to MP4 720p, downloads Subs, embeds subs, adds tagging poster, etc. I want to recreate the same thing in Unraid docker. I am running unraid 6.8.3 with nvidia patch, GTX 1060 installed. I am running your docker containers for radarr SMA, sonarr SMA, and sabnzbd extended. I do not care if the video card is used, as I plan to pass that to a Windows VM. Problems: Radarr is not downgrading to 720p, not sure that Sonarr is either (it did convert one MKV, but the size is very similar). Subtitles are not being downloaded and not embedded Any ideas, gotchas, or anything else you can recommend?
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