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Everything posted by adrie

  1. I tried some things withe portforwarding and now i get the following when is set the encryption mode to Flexible on cloudflare en i go to i get the login screen for my unraid server en when i set the encryption mode to Full i get the message webserver is down code 521
  2. Hello first of all sorry for the bad English! My goal is to create a webserver for wordpress with swag so i folowed a lot of tutorials on this forum and the internet and can't get it to work so maby somebody here can help me. This is what i dis so far 1 : i bought a domainname 2 : Pointed A record to my IP 3 : i forwarder the ports to my server 80 to 180 and 443 to 1443 to my server IP 4 : in unraid i installed swag and changed te ports to 180 and 1443 and used a custom network typ (proxynet like the video tutorial from spaceinvaders one, how to setup reverse proxy) 5 : in swag i set my domainname 6 : no subdomains needed so far then i hit aplly and swag is started and the log gives an error for creating an certificate, i tried i few things with port forwarding but nothing works i think it has to do with port 80 is blocked i think so i search the internet and came up with the posibility to create certificate with dns and cloudflare, so this is what i did next 1 : setup an account with cloudflare and point the nameservers of my domain to cloudflaire, after some hours cloudflare was setup and ready to go 2 : in cloudflare i ponted with an A record to my Ip 3 : in swag i changed validation to dns 4 : set the correct credentials in de cloudflare.ini then i hit start and yesss the certificate was created and the server was running no more errors in the log then i went to my domain and got an connection timeoutpage from cloudflare with error 522 then i went to h and the same thing then i went to and got site not reachable O and i found an answer on this forum to change the settings in ssl of cloudflare to 'SSL/TLS encryption mode is Full' i did this and stil the same At home if i go to it works fine im trying to get this working for weeks now, uninstalling everything and started over but stil the same thing, maby somebody here can help me please!!
  3. Thank you verry much everything is working 100% now ๐Ÿ˜€
  4. Oke yes sorry also stupid of me ๐Ÿ˜…, it works now. On my phone everything works, i can reach the wegui and my shares. I have connected my laptop trough a hotspot of my phone (4g) to test the laptop outside my network, i have internet, i can reach unraid ๐Ÿ˜€ only my shares i cannot see or acces, maby something with the firewall on the laptop?
  5. I have an account at where i made a hostname and it resolves to my ip at home, i have a draytek router from my provider, there i port forwarded 51820 to my servers ip adres (also in my router i made the dynamic dns setup) Sorry, verry stupid of me ๐Ÿ˜… On my phone outside the network i have a connection with 'remote tunneled access', i have internet but i can't reach my server On my server i see the activity and the handshake.
  6. hello sorry for the bad english, i'm trying ๐Ÿ˜… I followed the quickstart en first made a connection to my android phone outside my network with 'Remote tunneled access' the connection was ok and i have internet , but the problem was that a connot reach my unraid server webui trough my danamic dns '' (ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT) then i tried it on my desktop PC in my network, also with 'Remote tunneled acces' nothing worked no internet at all, then i used the 'Peer DNS server' option with the adress Then i have internet but i also cannot reach my unraid server webui trough my danamic dns '' Also i cannot reach my SHARES, only internet is working Then i tried 'Remote access to server' and 'Remote access to Lan' Both phone and computer (Without has internet but no acces to Shares and the unraid server webui and the strange thing is when i want to go to my router it sais 'internet is blokked' i don't know what i am doing wrong, maby someone can help me?