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Everything posted by MicAhSoft

  1. Building the private docker app works great.. thanks. I even built an icon link https:// i.imgur.com/OutvdZx.png ; however I'm still facing the non-persistent environment problem. Every time the docker is restarted an new copy of the application is installed. All settings within the application are erased and set to default. All the passwords for the application are reset and set to default. I believe this is a problem with the creators repository "quay.io/galexrt/sinusbot:latest" for the initial install script but I'm a noob. Any help in solving this problem would be great. Is there a way to adjust this script or prevent it from pulling upon docker restart? I'm not sure how to solve this issue. Thanks
  2. Can someone help me with this docker on "docker hub?" https://hub.docker.com/r/galexrt/sinusbot ; essentially the creator has built the install script in a "non-persistent state." I can install it easily into unRaid but every time I restart the docker in unRaid it blows out all the data in the container like a new install including passwords and settings. I understand the -v parameter passed being as persistent/non-persistent but how can i adjust the docker startup script to remove the "new install." Or can someone fix this Sinusbot docker and get it into the CA repository vice the dockerhub. I know this is an old thread... hope someone is listening. Thanks, Micah