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Everything posted by Keko

  1. Hey folks, Sorry to revive this thread, but after a few hours I've finaly succeed to mount my HDDs on two HP H240 HBA (unRAID 6.8.3). Don't know if anyone already gave this tips but I leave this post here so that I can help someone who, like me, following the purchase of an H240 card will not be able to operate it directly because you have to reset and turn on the HBA mode. I came across this topic while looking for a solution to my problem and it gave me a fairly fruitful starting point in my research. So, you, little unRAIDnewbie who's looking to save some bucks and have plenty of SATA ports on your rig, be advised: There's really no big deal when you've got the right tool. I've seen a few people talking about the HP-SSA but this is not the one. You've must try the Service Pack for Proliant (SPP). For those who struggling to find the software to be used, I strongly recommend you googling this version .. "SPP2017101" (you'll know where to find it;) - Mount it with the HP USB creator included in ISO - Boot on the USB key - Wait a bit .. - Agree to the terms and select next, - At this point, you can choose to update the firmwire on the left, and manage your array on the right. - When you go the management tab, you'll see your card on the left side, click on it (don't mind the warning, it's only if an array is mounted). - Normaly there's only two option: Power Management / Switch to HBA mode - Select the obvious one, I've not tried the firmware update, feel free to do it. - Try to reboot the soft but if you got stuck after quite a time, hard reset it .. Et voilà ! Hope this can help a few 😃 Keko
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