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Everything posted by mharmsen538

  1. Hi all, I'm trying to set up authelia for securing my reverse proxies. Got it up and running but it seems to refuse any connection to the proxies. See the log under here and my current config. (Replaced the domain and IP with xx and removed the secrets for privacy reasons ) Any help would be much appreciated because I'm completly new to authelia. Followed the guide on the Ibracorp site but here is where I stranded.. :') LOG: time="2023-03-28T15:14:38+02:00" level=info msg="Initializing server for non-TLS connections on '[::]:9091' path '/' and '/authelia'" time="2023-03-28T15:14:45+02:00" level=info msg="Access to (method GET) is not authorized to user <anonymous>, responding with status code 401" method=GET path=/api/verify ############################################################################### # Authelia Configuration # ############################################################################### theme: dark jwt_secret: "" default_redirection_url: server: host: port: 9091 path: "authelia" read_buffer_size: 4096 write_buffer_size: 4096 enable_pprof: false enable_expvars: false disable_healthcheck: false tls: key: "" certificate: "" log: level: info totp: issuer: period: 30 skew: 1 authentication_backend: password_reset: disable: false refresh_interval: 5m file: path: /config/users_database.yml password: algorithm: argon2id iterations: 1 key_length: 32 salt_length: 16 memory: 1024 parallelism: 8 access_control: default_policy: one_factor rules: ## bypass rule - domain: - "" policy: bypass ## catch-all - domain: - "*" subject: - "group:admins" policy: one_factor session: name: authelia_session domain: same_site: lax secret: "" expiration: 1h inactivity: 5m remember_me_duration: 2M redis: host: x.x.x.x port: 6379 password: "" database_index: 0 maximum_active_connections: 10 minimum_idle_connections: 0 regulation: max_retries: 5 find_time: 10m ban_time: 3h storage: encryption_key: "" mysql: host: x.x.x.x port: 3306 database: authelia1 username: authelia1 password: "" notifier: disable_startup_check: true smtp: username: password: "" host: port: 587 sender: identifier: localhost subject: "[Authelia] {title}" startup_check_address: [email protected] disable_require_tls: false disable_html_emails: false tls: skip_verify: false minimum_version: TLS1.2
  2. Yes I meant disk rebuild. Okay, will be quite the task but at least its not gone. Thanks a lot for the help mate, really appreciated!
  3. Okay that worked, now I got a lost+found share again. Should I now just let the parity sync finish? Will that bring the files back to where they were or do I need to put everything back from the lost+found folder in to the right shares? And also, there wouldn't be an easy way to do that? Because the folder is 500GB+ :') Thanks very much Jorge!
  4. Found the issue with the parity drive, faulty cabling. But you say disk 4? It is disk 1 that has the problem.. Are you sure? Sorry if I dont see the problem but I just want to be sure..
  5. Hereby the diagnostics
  6. Hi all, Somewhere last week I noticed that one of my data drives was disabled. Started some investigation and it looked like the filesystem was corrupted. Started a filesystem rebuild, succesfully finished it and there was a lost+found folder with quite some data in it. Thought I would sort that out after the weekend, cause I was quite busy with work etc. Then during the weekend a power outtage happened. Luckily I have a UPS so the server gracefully shut down. But after restarting it the lost+found folder was gone... And now the disk still shows as; Unmountable: Wrong or No filesystem. Even after a XFS rebuild.. Unfortunately I didnt save any logs.. I must confess that I'm a novice user when it comes to filesystem repair etc. So the first time I followed intructions from a post here and it worked. Second time around I had less luck.. I don't really know what to do now. It's a 2TB drive that was 75% filled, and I can't seem to get the data back now. Didnt do any formatting or rebuilding. Any advice? Thanks in advance.