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Everything posted by hoschy

  1. I still have this issue on 6.12.0-RC6 🤔 also ive seen the dashboad taking its sweet time to show my started containers and memory usage so my guess is the issue is indeed linked to the dashboard Edit: okay just tried to restart. doesnt work either. i cant reach the dashboard anymore and cant connect though ssh. just the already opened webterminal
  2. still having issues with the fritzbox-plugin when i do it like you posted in your tutorial, i only get a few metrics. not enough for grafana to output something. but when i insert: fritz_additional=-gateway-url -gateway-luaurl or fritz_additional=-gateway-url="" -gateway-luaurl="" the service cant be started anymore and, the really strange thing: everytime i try to start the service, my unraid-log gets an entry like this: im clueless
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