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Everything posted by d19b

  1. Does UNRAID benefit significantly from running in a multi-threaded CPU ? I'm considering moving my current setup to a new machine , my use case is mostly as a media server - for which I run Plex in a docker container. I also happen to run a couple of other small dockers and a linux vm ( although I expect to be adding at least one Windows 10 VM shortly ). I suspect I'll go with a 6 core Intel CPU but I'm not sure of the benefits of multi-threading - any guidance appreciated.
  2. Is there any guidance available on how best to integrate hdhomerun with Plex ? I assume when you say integrated you mean you use hdhomerun for scheduling recording etc and then push the results over to Plex for them to be accessed via a standard Plex client app .
  3. I was looking for information on this very thing - although I was hoping to use a DVB-T2 card - did you ever figure it out ? I looked at SpaceInvader Ones recent video on passing through PCI cards but that seems to be focussed on VM's only rather than docker containers. A final thought I saw a recent conversation between a group of people complaining that the EPG for Live TV on Plex in the UK has been broken for almost a year without any sign Plex was taking that seriously - does anyone in the UK use Plex Live TV and can give some feedback ? If it doesn't work then this point is largely done since Plex Live TV without a working EPG is next to useless anyhow IMO.
  4. Unraid v6.8.3 I'm new to UNRAID and am trying to get my head around it , I've installed UNRAID on an old ASUS P8Z77-V with an i7-3770K. In Tools\System Profiler the report identifies I have 8MB of L3 cache but lower in the report it describes it as "Disabled, Not Socketed, Level 3" . Should it not be enabled ? How can I enable it ? I'm not running any VM's ( I tried but found the performace so dissapointing I gave up on it , but now I'm wondering if this was part of the reason ) . I'm only using UNRAID to run a copule of docker containers ( PLEX and PI Hole ) would UNRAID not still benefit from the L3 cache anyway?
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