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BrambleGB last won the day on August 28 2020

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  1. Hi sorry I forgot to answer this. What you need to do is edit the nginx config files both within the openeats docker, and your lets encrypt nginx docker (if you are using it). For the openeats docker: 1. Copy the original default.conf file located at /etc/nginx/conf.d 2. Make a new folder in your Unraid with the default.conf (mine is at /mnt/user/configs/openeats/default.conf) 3. Edit the default.conf file, and add "client_max_body_size" to the server {} block It should look like this: (Note that 40M here means 40 Megabytes, which is probably bigger than what you need. You can set this to what you want, the default is 1M) upstream api { ip_hash; server; } server { listen 80; server_name localhost; client_max_body_size 40M; location / { root /var/www/html/openeats-static/public-ui; try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html; } location /static/ { root /var/www/html/openeats-static/public-ui; gzip on; gzip_types text/plain text/xml text/css text/comma-separated-values text/javascript application/x-javascript application/javascript application/atom+xml; expires max; } location /api/ { proxy_pass http://api; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; } location /admin/ { proxy_pass http://api; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; } location /static-files/ { root /var/www/html/openeats-static; try_files $uri /static-files/$uri; } location /site-media/ { root /var/www/html/openeats-static; try_files $uri /site-media/$uri; } } 4. Mount your new folder against /etc/nginx/conf.d/ Now for the lets encrypt docker if you have it: 1. Go to /mnt/user/appdata/letsencrypt/nginx/nginx.conf and add "client_max_body_size" as well to the http {} block 2. Go to /mnt/user/appdata/letsencrypt/nginx/site-confs/default and add it to your server {} block 3. Go to /mnt/user/appdata/letsencrypt/nginx/proxy-confs/www.subdomain.conf (or whatever subdomain you use) and add it to the server {} block Let me know if this works or doesn't work
  2. I mean the "USE DATABASE mysql" was wrong, it's just "USE mysql" You could try recreating the container and then attempting the same thing. I think I had a similar problem but can't remember anymore how I fixed it.
  3. Hmm what if you try the update command without changing database to mysql (also oops the command I gave was wrong)
  4. You're looking at the openeats database, you need to open the "mysql" database in adminer, or open a console in the mariadb docker. I haven't used adminer really, but if you open a mariadb docker console You can login using mysql -u root -p [type in root password you set in the container] USE DATABASE mysql; You then have to run: UPDATE mysql.user SET Host='%' WHERE User='openeats'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
  5. When you log into the db with Adminer, what is the host for the openeats (or if you renamed it) user in the mysql.user table? It should be 'openeats'@'something', where you need to replace the something with either '%' or the docker ip of your openeats container ( for me) Example: These are my users, I called mine "rob"
  6. I would love to make my own custom website, but that would take quite some effort. I have updated the Docker container again, forgot to add the part in the startup script that changes your locale. Edit: There was an issue with CRLF line endings, the latest container should work now (works for me)
  7. I have updated the dockerfile again with the (one) latest change (grocery sorting). However updating other packages breaks a lot of things, the project is using quite a few deprecated features and packages.
  8. There are 2 ways you can do this without having to change the source code itself: 1. Bash in and replace the .png file in /var/www/html/openeats-static/public-ui/images 2. Copy the entire /var/www/html/openeats-static/public-ui/images folder to somewhere on your unraid drive, replace the images, then mount that folder to /var/www/html/openeats-static/public-ui/images, replacing the original location. The first way is quicker, but you lose the change every time you edit the container settings The second way persists but takes a bit more effort I think the size doesn't matter too much as long as you keep the same ratio, as it should resize itself to fit. Let me know if you want step by step instructions for either.
  9. Try adding these as well. And then using the added account in the openeats container settings
  10. The last error is explainable because you only allow openeats@localhost but you are connecting from [email protected] Can you share the settings that you are starting the mariadb container with?
  11. When you open the website, does it say you are already logged in?
  12. Genau, alles gleich einstellen. Dann wenn du es an machst und die logs anguckst, sollte es sagen "current locale is en, new is de", und hoffentlich ist es auf Deutsch.
  13. Du musst "Enable additional search results from dockerHub:" an machen, under Other-> Settings. Und dann "Click Here To Get More Results From DockerHub" drücken wenn du nach openeats suchst.
  14. You cannot change the name, you have to download my container from Community Apps( see photo) and use the same settings. You may need to delete the current one as having two containers with the same name can cause issues. Ich kann auch Deutsch falls du willst das ich es in Deutsch schreibe.
  15. Ok I was able to get it to work. Basically, if NODE_LOCALE at runtime is different from build time, it will rebuild the web files. You'll have to run my personal version from It works the same as Cornelius' as I have based it off it. @CorneliousJD if you want to add it to yours, the way I did it was: Add RUN echo $NODE_LOCALE > /current_locale To the Dockerfile after the ENV statement Then add this part to after the sed and before the nginx # Rebuild the web service if locale has changed if [ -f /current_locale ]; then OLD_LOCALE="`cat /current_locale`" if [ "$OLD_LOCALE" != "$NODE_LOCALE" ]; then echo "Current locale is $OLD_LOCALE, new is $NODE_LOCALE" # Rebuild and update locale cd /openeats-web && yarn start && echo $NODE_LOCALE > /current_locale fi fi