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Posts posted by emrepolat7

  1. On 5/31/2024 at 2:29 AM, Matt Elias said:

    Now, does anyone know how to upgrade to PRO edition?

    you have to register and use their repository

    Screenshot 2024-06-01 at 17.13.59.png

  2. 56 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    Thank you, I will look into that and report back.

    That's maybe caused because you are on the private test branch.


    Please update the plugin to version 2024.04.29 and see if it is now working for you.


    Yes it works now. Thank you very much.

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  3. When I checked all the settings, I didn't find any mistakes. When I tried manually, I get the error below. Do you think this could be the problem?


    root@polser:/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/iscsi-initiator/include# iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p

    iscsiadm: error while loading shared libraries: libcrypto.so.1.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    Screenshot 2024-04-29 at 14.53.20.png

  4. It's interesting to hear how you've grouped certain services together in a single LXC container for better internal routing and dedicated IP addresses. I see this approach can offer more control and ease of management, especially for services like your DNS stack and HomeAssistant instance where granular control is important.

    Using LXC containers for certain applications, like AMP, makes sense when you prefer a more VM-like environment and want to easily run Docker within it.


    Thank you for the answer and sharing your setup and the links to your pre-made container archives. 

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  5. I've been a long-time user of Unraid and have generally been satisfied with the update processes in the past. However, I wanted to share my feedback on the recent update process, which I found a bit disconcerting.

    The idea of redirecting the GUI to an external domain web page during the server update didn't sit well with me. I understand that the files are already being downloaded from an external domain during updates, but I still found this approach unsettling. It felt as if I was being transported outside the comfort of my home, giving me a sense of being in a different environment altogether.

    I appreciate the continuous efforts to enhance the Unraid experience and understand that changes are sometimes necessary. I just wanted to express my feelings about this particular aspect of the recent update process.

    Thank you for your attention and understanding.

    • Upvote 4
  6. Thank you for your prompt reply.


    I understand your concerns about the dropdown becoming unwieldy with multiple links, and the potential complexities it may introduce to the plugin. I appreciate your perspective on this matter.


    I thought it would be easy to implement, but from what I've seen, it seems that the request is not as easily implementable as I initially thought.


    The reason I was looking for support for multiple links is to streamline access to various services that I have installed with docker compose. 


    Thank you for your suggestion and insights. If you have any further recommendations or considerations, I'd be grateful to hear them.

  7. May I request a new feature?

    The WebUI URL is indeed useful, but currently, it only supports a single link. Could you consider implementing support for multiple links? This would be beneficial as we have installed more than one service.

    Thank you.


    Sometimes I also share the same thoughts as you. I know that Unraid is, in a way, a form of software RAID. However, I don't use this feature and use it in the way SimonF uses it. The only difference is that I use hardware RAID. (Of course, both hardware and software RAID have their pros and cons.) Using HPE Smart Storage, I have created raid 5 logical storage drive. Unraid detected my hard drive as one 8TB logical drive. I have zero problems with installing vm, docker, apps, plugins vs so on. 


    Actually, asking Unraid to remove this feature is completely contrary to the original purpose of Unraid. (A bit funny, but if you remove the RAID part, it will be left with just "UN" in its name 😂) Because all the other features of Unraid (VM, Docker, etc.) are essentially open-source software that can be installed on a plain Linux. But there is a difference, and that is Unraid has beautifully and user-friendly shaped all these features. They have done this in a really successful and commendable way. What I mean is, even if the RAID part of Unraid is removed, I'm sure many people will want to buy it for the convenience it offers.


    Releasing such a version of Unraid would provide advantages to users.


    1) Since this version is essentially composed of many open-source software, it can be sold at a more reasonable price. I'm sure many people would pay for a product that brings together all these features so successfully.


    2) You won't need to stop the array to make some changes in Unraid settings. Because currently, you need to stop all VMs and Dockers every time you want to make some changes.


    3) As you mentioned, some concepts will be simplified. No such as pools, parity, cache, aray, mover.


    4) Maybe a performance increase? I'm not very sure about this, but Unraid is, after all, a kind of software RAID. I'm sure the RAID software is running in the background. Even if we don't use this feature, could removing it result in a performance increase? I wonder about that.



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  9. On 7/7/2023 at 7:19 PM, SensibleSalmon said:

    Is there any way to pass a login_server param to the underlying tailscale daemon? I'm trying to link my unraid host to my headscale instance. (Docs here). I didn't see anything in the plugin settings.


    On 7/7/2023 at 8:30 PM, EDACerton said:

    In concept, it’s possible to add that feature, but I can’t currently test that. Are you on Discord at all? If so, ping me there (@edacerton) and we can chat. 


    I really like using your plugin with tailscale. Thanks very much for the plugin.

    Since headscale is almost the self-hosted version of tailscale, I prefer to use headscale instead of tailscale.

    Are you planning to add this feature?
    if so, is there any progress for this feature?

  10. From what I've read so far, the xfs file system is the most balanced and performing file system for home labs. Also, it is mature and safe.


    What I understand the main reason that everyone wants to use zfs to take snapshot.


    As you mentioned, snapshot/backup can be taken with reflink, so why do many unraid users still wants to use zfs?


    is there any other major reason choosing zfs over xfs? 

  11. I have setup seafile-mc and mariadb:10.5 (only for seafile) separate docker. I attached screenshots. I hope it helps.


    Seafile docker;













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