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Everything posted by Sain

  1. I too have AX1200i, I did all the commands that giganode mentioned and it worked. Make sure after running the commads to change the dropdown to AXi. Thanks a lot giganode you've been very helpful. I was thinking of going back to unraid 6.11.5 just because of this plugins and how important PSU stats for me. Thanks to you, it's working on 6.12.3
  2. My experience was exactly like yours. I even went an extra mile and create new test unraid server and new test windows still same issue. Many people experience the same thing. If you go and look for the latest comments in Spaceinvader YouTube tatorial on Unraid OpenVPN installation, you'll see lots of users are asking how to fix this issue. I gave up on this docker. Since I'm using PFsense I create OpenVPN Server their. And it works flawlessly. Also it's better to have it on the router level.
  3. I have never had OpenDNS running on any of machines. In fact didn't know what OpenDNS is. I thought its something like CloudFlare DNS or Google DNS. I use Google as my DNS or my local ISP. (I use Pihole but I bypassed it completely) Till now I don't know what the problem is. OpenVPN used to work fine for months Until one day it's stops working at all. no matter how many times I try to fresh install. try different machines both client and server, I still dont' have access to OpenVPN WebGui and I get this error repeated on the log "./run: line 3: /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/openvpnas: No such file or directory"
  4. I tried shutting off my PiHole and setting the router, Unraid and my machine to I flushed the DNS. Also tried different machine. (I set up different Unraid test server and different windows machine) all that didn't help to fix the issue. I really appreciate your help Kennelm.
  5. Could you please let me know how exactly did you fix the problem. Because I'm experiencing the exact same problem. It was working fine for months. Now no matter how many times I install it or change settings I cannot get to the WebUi and I'm treated with "./run: line 3: /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/openvpnas: No such file or directory"
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