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  1. Nice work, you can PR it if you want and also i'll grant you access to the repo, or you can host your own, CA is already configured for my repo though so whichever way is fine with me.
  2. I don't use UnRAID anymore so i am unlikely to fix this. UnRAID has too many breaking changes honestly. EDIT: i actually do use UnRAID again but i'm running it on Proxmox so i won't continue development of this plugin still, and realistically other than what has been done by giganode, there is nothing to develop, this relies on a couple of binaries that haven't been updated and don't support new PSU's
  3. Thanks, to clarify you need to replace TTYNumber with the corresponding port for the PSU, not just type TTYNumber /dev/tty... In addition https://github.com/ka87/cpsumon has not been updated for 7 years and https://github.com/notaz/corsairmi also not been updated in like 5 years
  4. Guys you can all keep reporting the issues with certain PSU's but if the underlying binary, CorsairRMI and cpsumoncli don't detect it then it's not going to work Run these commands via SSH/Terminal /usr/local/bin/corsairmi OR /usr/local/bin/cpsumon/cpsumoncli TTYNumber If they give response then i can probably update the plugin, otherwise it will need a new binary
  5. Any update on this?
  6. This would be pointless, netdata docker container already detects the PSUs, this plugin is purely for the integration in the dashboard at this point There is a super easy way though, plugin write to a text file, docker container read the text file, output to HA but again not really needed since netdata can do what you want.
  7. Yes it works fine, i use this
  8. Also, as a side note that code doesn't work any more, last time i tested this code did. It also technically doesn't have any security implications as all it does is disables auth on that page #!/bin/bash # Start the Management Utility /usr/local/sbin/emhttp & # Add Un-Authenticated access to Unraid 6.10-RC1+ for Status.php (Corsair Plugin) while [ ! -f /var/run/nginx.pid ] do sleep 2 # or less like 0.2 done echo -e "# Fma965 Un-Authenticated Access\nlocation ~ /plugins\/corsairpsu\/status.php {\nallow all;\ninclude fastcgi_params;\n}\n\n# End Fma965 Un-Authenticated Access\n\n$(cat /etc/nginx/conf.d/locations.conf)" > /etc/nginx/conf.d/locations.conf; nginx -s reload # End Nginx Basic Auth Patch
  9. I've been out of the loop for a while, does unraid provide a bearer token auth method yet... you know like every single other appliance ever! sidenote, if you want PSU stats in Home Assistant use the NetData docker container works great. (assuming your PSU is supported)
  10. This has been mentioned multiple times but i'll mention it again. 1. Unraid now uses form auth not basic auth therefore the direct access to the json wont work 2. PSU's that are not supported use a completely different protocol, if a CLI exists for slackware/linux that reads the data maybe i'll consider adding it
  11. Does any one have any ideas? seems odd to me that VM's are clearly recognizing the USB but UnRaid is not
  12. Yes, you can see this in the screenshot, also my USB 2.0 controller is not DDA compatible so that rules that test out. To clarify i tried both fresh Unraid USB and my existing baremetal one (which i knew 100% worked, non UEFI) and neither worked still
  13. I didn't take a screenshot of the unraid side, but it's the standard no USB called UNRAID found error. the screenshot does however show the same VM with the same passthrough detecting the USB fine on a standard Linux Gparted live boot cd. Hmm interesting idea, unfortunately I have tried the latest stable and the latest RC with the same results, I also tried a Renesas USB controller but the same issue unfortunately. For context the computer is a 7820x on a X299-WS Pro Asus motherboard EDIT: i do have some USB 2.0 ports on this machine so i could try those i guess
  14. You can't, Hyper-V has no support for USB device passthrough (apart from for windows guests)
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