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Everything posted by fcol

  1. Since v4.7, I also see this behavior on occasion. I found that I can *sometimes* get it to connect if I telnet into the server and manually stop/start Crashplan (wait a couple minutes before restarting): /usr/local/crashplan/bin/CrashPlanEngine stop /usr/local/crashplan/bin/CrashPlanEngine start Edit: It might be a good idea to verify that it's not performing maintenance before manually stopping it.
  2. I'm also seeing similar behavior with 4.7.0 on unRaid 5.x. So, in my case, it has nothing to do with the container since I'm not using it. 4.7.0 seems to be performing a lot more maintenance (and more often) and can bog down my entire server. I've rechecked settings (Frequency and Versions) and nothing has changed since pre-4.7.
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