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Everything posted by prouderthings

  1. Finally got this working. The issue is the container must have a 1:1 volume mapping. This was difficult because I did not want the server files filling up the Unraid docker partition. My solution was using symbolic links within the container. I'm not very experience with docker, so if you see an issue with what I have done below, please let me know. I hope this helps those who experience the same issue with the daemon. At least until the Pterodactyl team is able to change the need for 1:1 volume mapping. My guess is it has something to do with the daemon using docker to create new containers. Solution: A) A volume of /tmp/pterodactyl will be mapped to the Unraid host location /tmp/pterodactyl. It's important to create a symbolic link first. I tried getting around this, but I found no other solution. SSH into Unraid as root Make a new directory mkdir /mnt/user/appdata/pterodactyl/daemon-tmp Create symbolic link from /tmp/pterodactyl to the directory above ln -s /mnt/user/appdata/pterodactyl/daemon-tmp /tmp/pterodacty B) When setting up the template for the docker container, the following changes need to be made Remove all default mappings from the template (config, daemon-data, tmp, etc) Add new path mappings below (the important part is keeping it 1:1): /mnt/user/appdata/pterodactyl/daemon : /mnt/user/appdata/pterodactyl/daemon /mnt/user/appdata/pterodactyl/daemon-data : /mnt/user/appdata/pterodactyl/daemon-data /mnt/user/appdata/pterodactyl/daemon-tmp : /mnt/user/appdata/pterodactyl/daemon-tmp /tmp/pterodactyl : /tmp/pterodactyl Accept the new template configuration and start the docker container With the Pterodactyl-Panel, create a new node with the config path as /mnt/user/appdata/pterodactyl/daemon-data Write the config generated by the Pterodactyl-Panel as core.json to /mnt/user/appdata/pterodactyl/core.json SSH into Unraid as root again (or pickup the session from before) Copy the core.json file into the pterodactyl-daemon container docker cp /mnt/user/appdata/pterodactyl/core.json pterodactyl-daemon:/srv/daemon/config/core.json Restart the Pterodactyl-Daemon container with Unraid Execute a new shell in the container with docker container exec -it pterodactyl-daemon sh Copy contents of /srv/daemon to the /mnt/user/appdata/pterodactyl/daemon cp -r /srv/daemon/* /mnt/user/appdata/pterodactyl/daemon/ Remove the default daemon folder rm -r /svr/daemon Create the symbolic links for daemon and daemon-data ln -s /mnt/user/appdata/pterodactyl/daemon /srv/daemon ln -s /mnt/user/appdata/pterodactyl/daemon-data /srv/daemon-data Exit the container and restart the Pterodactyl-Daemon container with Unraid Enjoy creating new servers! Since the permissions are setup by the daemon after you create a server in the panel, I copied my custom server files into the /mnt/user/appdata/pterodactyl folder and SSH'd into Unraid to move them from there. I'm sure you can change the permissions of the folder, but I wanted to preserve the permissions as is since I won't need to edit them afterwards. Thanks!
  2. For Pterodactyl-Daemon, I installed every as default for Unraid. Added a user and successfully logged in. I can create a Node and see the daemon, but when I try to create a vanilla minecraft server, I get: Error: (HTTP code 400) unexpected - invalid mount config for type "bind": bind source path does not exist: /srv/daemon-data/1c3cd65f-a386-40f6-be42-1b7277858272 When setting up the Node, under Daemon Server File Directory I have tried leaving the path as default "/srv/daemon-data". The /srv/daemon-data is empty in the container. There is a closed issue on the containers github (https://github.com/ccarney16/pterodactyl-docker/issues/22). Any suggestions in what to try?
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