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Everything posted by cadarn07

  1. I'm also curious about this. I'm guessing you need a separate container to have multiple simultaneous worlds. But how do you just generate a new world on an existing container to start over with something new? Do I delete the world folder in appdata/binhex-minecraftserver/minecraft and restart?
  2. Thanks for the reply - I didn't think this dev would have bundled it either, but I had to ask to be sure I didn't need to switch to a different docker. I did have authentication set up but I guess that wasn't enough. I don't really need off-network access to calibre so I'll just leave the ports closed for now. I'm also uninstalling it, deleting the calibre appdata folder, and reinstalling to ensure xmrig is gone. If there's anything else I need to check for that you can think of, please let me know. I checked my other docker appdata folders and didn't see any evidence of xmrig and I'll monitor Unraid's processes over the next several days to see if anything reappears.
  3. Hi everyone, I've been using this docker container for a couple of years. Yesterday I noticed that something was using 100% of my server's CPU constantly. I used htop to check the running processes and found that the xmrig miner was running on my server. I tracked it to this docker. Inside my calibre appdata folder is a folder named c3pool and inside that is the xmrig miner files. Has anyone else had this happen? Is there an issue with the docker image itself or possibly just something isolated to me. I did have a port opened to access the calibre UI over the internet but I have since closed that.
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