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Report Comments posted by mehappy

  1. On 8/17/2021 at 10:09 AM, mgutt said:


    I solved this issue as follows and successfully tested it in:

    • Unraid 6.9.2
    • Unraid 6.10.0-rc1


    1. Add this to /boot/config/go (by Config Editor Plugin):
      # -------------------------------------------------
      # RAM-Disk for Docker json/log files
      # -------------------------------------------------
      # create RAM-Disk on starting the docker service
      sed -i '/^  echo "starting \$BASE ..."$/i \
        # move json/logs to ram disk\
        rsync -aH --delete /var/lib/docker/containers/ ${DOCKER_APP_CONFIG_PATH%/}/containers_backup\
        mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /var/lib/docker/containers\
        rsync -aH --delete ${DOCKER_APP_CONFIG_PATH%/}/containers_backup/ /var/lib/docker/containers\
        logger -t docker RAM-Disk created' /etc/rc.d/rc.docker
      # remove RAM-Disk on stopping the docker service
      sed -i '/^  # tear down the bridge$/i \
        # backup json/logs and remove RAM-Disk\
        rsync -aH --delete /var/lib/docker/containers/ ${DOCKER_APP_CONFIG_PATH%/}/containers_backup\
        umount /var/lib/docker/containers\
        rsync -aH --delete ${DOCKER_APP_CONFIG_PATH%/}/containers_backup/ /var/lib/docker/containers\
        logger -t docker RAM-Disk removed' /etc/rc.d/rc.docker
      # Automatically backup Docker RAM-Disk
      sed -i '/^<?PHP$/a \
      if ( ! ((date('i') * date('H') * 60 + date('i')) % $sync_interval_minutes) && file_exists("/var/lib/docker/containers")) {\
        exec("mkdir /var/lib/docker_bind");\
        exec("mount --bind /var/lib/docker /var/lib/docker_bind");\
        exec("rsync -aH --delete /var/lib/docker/containers/ /var/lib/docker_bind/containers");\
        exec("umount /var/lib/docker_bind");\
        exec("rmdir /var/lib/docker_bind");\
        exec("logger -t docker RAM-Disk synced");\
      }' /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/monitor
    2. Optional: Limit the Docker LOG size to avoid using too much RAM:
    3. Reboot server



    • By this change /var/lib/docker/containers, which contains only status and log files, becomes a RAM-Disk and therefore avoids wearing out your SSD and allows a permanent sleeping SSD (energy efficient)
    • It automatically syncs the RAM-Disk every 30 minutes to your default appdata location  (for server crash / power-loss scenarios). If container logs are important to you, feel free to change the value of "$sync_interval_minutes" in the above code to a smaller value to sync the RAM-Disk every x minutes.
    • If you like to update Unraid OS, you should remove the change from the Go File until it's clear that this enhancement is still working/needed!


    Your Reward:



    After you enabled the docker service you can check if the RAM-Disk has been created (and its usage):



    Screenshot of changes in /etc/rc.d/rc.docker



    and /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/monitor


    I followed this and now my log memory constantly shows 100%. Is this something to be concerned about?



    EDIT: this is unrelated, looks like nginx is running away with the logs

    I found another topic (unsolved) that is about this issue: