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  1. I solve it by deleting mysql and using mariadb and I did every thing spaceinvaderone did and it worked fine.
  2. Sorry, I am a beginner I downlead mysql (by bBungy's Repository ) Container Port 3307 (I use mariaDB, nextcloud by spaceinvaderone) Host Path 1:/mnt/user/appdata/mysql Container Variable: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: myrootpass Container Variable: MYSQL_DATABASE: mydatabase Container Variable: MYSQL_USER: me Container Variable: MYSQL_PASSWORD: mypass -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- akaunting Web portal: 8087 Setup Account: true MySql Database IP:Port: Database Name: mydatabase Database Username: me Database Password: mypass ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I keep getting this message in the log can you please help me Setting locale US_EN Creating database tables Connecting to database [email protected]:3307:3306 Error: Could not connect to the database! Please, make sure the details are correct.
  3. I hope you find the way. I have been trying to install a docker from docker hub but i did not find any manual or any instruction, please if you find anything just reply to me.
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