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Posts posted by SignedOne

  1. Since around the time of the last update, qBitTorrent is stuck at 'Downloading metadata' after the internect connection reestablishes every 2 hours, only a container restart fixes this. Strangely enough, other containers, which use the containers network stack, actually can establish connections.


    Nothing conclusive in the log afaict, but here it is anyways:



  2. On 8/20/2020 at 3:19 PM, binhex said:

    If you do spot a problem then please remove any sensitive info and then attach the entire log, preferably with debug set to true

    Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk

    Just a quick update, running perfectly fine now. Automatic reconnect and handling of iptables/spinning up of the different program instances works as expected. Cheers!

  3. 13 minutes ago, binhex said:

    If you do spot a problem then please remove any sensitive info and then attach the entire log, preferably with debug set to true

    Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk



    Regarding port forwarding on their NextGen servers, it seems to indeed be possible, it's just a new procedure. Should be fairly easy to implement, I'll try it myself once I got a bit of time on my hands:


  4. 5 hours ago, binhex said:

    i took a look at this image and did spot a long standing issue with pgrep causing issues, this bug has been fixed upstream and the image has been rebuilt with the fix, please pull down the latest image and let me know if it now works correctly when reconfiguration is required (i.e. openvpn drop or port closed).

    Just pulled it, will test for a few days and report back! Thanks for your excellent support mate.

  5. 1 hour ago, thatsthefrickenlightning said:

    Thank you very much for this. I had to turn my server off for some maintenance and I thought that was the problem, but it was this. Next-gen config files work for me, but no actual torrent client activity until port forwarding is supported. Any ideas when that will be?

    No idea, unfortunately. Though I'll probably switch to a different container, since the binhex containers still tend to hang a lot and don't reconnect automatically, they often get stuck at steps like "marking for reconfigure", requiring daily restarts and horrible availability, even if the VPN servers themselves are stable enough.

    • Thanks 1
  6. As we all know, PIA is currently moving their infrastructure, which results in pretty terribly reliability and constant connection issues when using their CurrentGen Network. Today, however, I discovered that they offer OpenVPN confs for their NextGen servers: https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/pages/download


    AFAICT they work reliable. Only way to use them currently is to set the STRICT_PORT_FORWARD ENV variable to "no", since their NextGen network doesn't seem to support port forwarding yet.

    • Thanks 2
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