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Everything posted by kp74508

  1. My system was suffering from this condition. I could not execute this fix quoted above due to file locks. I was able to resolve the problem by de-activating the flash backup in the MyServers plug in, rebooting, and re-activating the flash backup. I hope this fix sticks. 🙂
  2. Since this was the first result in a Google search when I was looking for a solution, I will post my solution here. I created an MDNS reflector with a Docker container to reflect between my secure LAN , IOT -VLAN2, and Guest -VLAN3 networks. Change the specifics to fit your situation. 1- Create docker networks for the VLANs (one time setup in Unraid terminal): docker network create --driver macvlan --subnet --gateway --opt parent=eth0.2 vlan2 docker network create --driver macvlan --subnet --gateway --opt parent=eth0.3 vlan3 2- Create docker container: Name:Avahi (name is used in Post Arguments later) Repository:flungo/avahi Network Type:Custom:br0 Fixed IP address: Docker Variables: REFLECTOR_ENABLE_REFLECTOR Key:REFLECTOR_ENABLE_REFLECTOR Value:yes Docker Post Arguments: (ADVANCED VIEW) ; docker network connect vlan2 Avahi --ip; docker network connect vlan3 Avahi --ip
  3. I am having the same issue on v6.9.1 on CA installed containers. If I attempt to change the container CPU pinning via the dashboard page the changes do not save. If I change the container advanced settings the changes do save however, they are out of sync with the settings displayed on the dashboard page. When the container is running, It appears that the dashboard page settings take precedence. The work around I found was to delete and then re-add the container.
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