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Everything posted by broadcastthebadger

  1. I just wanted to provide an update for anyone else who might come across this in the future. Further investigations revealed that the files I was trying to move (both manually and with mover) had some how ended up partially copied across two disks. New files moved at a regular speed but once these files came to be moved, the speed would drop down to the kb/s range and would never progress. The array became unstable during this process, mover/file transfers struggled to cancel and even when cancelled the array would refuse to reboot. Solution: Deleting these files from the array (on all disks) resolved this issue. I did this over SSH but there is a file browser app that will do the same thing for anyone less comfortable. A few days after I resolved this, my flash drive failed. I’m leaning towards this being caused by the multiple unclean shutdowns that had to be forced as the array had been running fine between the initial fix and the drive failing. Either way, all up and running now. Hope this helps anyone who may come across the same issue.
  2. Thank you for your help. I'd just like to understand this a little better if possible. What I'm struggling to understand is why this is only recently a problem and previously that disk had very good performance. This particular disk has been in my array for a while and typically has performed better than the rest in my array. Further, why has the performance is fine initially but degrades significantly over time. Even for an SMR drive, <5MB/s feels alarming to me
  3. As requested, I have added that line to my config. New diagnostics attached. On reboot, mover initially started at 50MB/s (very low compared to what it had been) with the IO limiting disk being the same disk mentioned previously. Mover then dropped down to 1MB/s hades-diagnostics-20221223-1348.zip After posting this diagnostic, I ran 'mover stop' in CLI and began a parity check which reported speeds of <2MB/s
  4. Hi all, I'm facing some problems with one of the disks in my array. Symptoms - When performing and read/write operations I get speeds largely in the kb/s. - The issue exists for mover, parity check and rsync operations. - SMB shares on that disk will mount but are very slow to populate and unmounts when trying to write data - A reboot will temporarily resolve this issue seeing speeds closer to 60MB/s but quickly drop back down to the kB/s range. - Other disks in the array seem to be fine but the performance has dropped since noticing this issue - General Unraid performance has been negatively impacted with some apps struggle to load (these apps don't store data this disk) Testing - SMART test reports no errors - A disk speed test (jbartlett777/diskspeed) shows decent speeds in the 100-180MB/s range - Netdata reports high IO Utilisation on the disk but speeds in the kb/s hades-diagnostics-20221223-1136.zip Disk affected: ST6000DM003-2CY186_WCT3EA77-20221223-1136 disk1 (sdh)
  5. It's been in this slot and functioning for the better part of 12 months, not to say that isn't the issue but unfortunately my motherboard only has the one slot. Might see if there is another way I can test it
  6. I hadn't noticed that, thank you. Does that point towards and issue with the nvme or the PCIe bus itself? I've just updated the Parity Check Tuning plugin. Edit: I've run a SMART test on the drive and it isn't showing any errors. See attached. Not sure how this explains the slowness in the array itself as this is my cache drive but probably isn't helping hades-smart-20220401-1327.zip
  7. Hi all, I'm experiencing lots of problems with my array. It's been running smoothly for the better part of 18 months, 12 months on existing hardware. I'll break down the issues and their symptoms. 1. Slow read and write speeds - Initially I noticed this when creating a secondary Vdisk for a Windows 10 VM I was using. A 200G vdisk took 10 minutes to format and once formatted, was completely unusable. Activity Monitor monitor showed peak speeds of less than 1MB/s. - Parity checks start at a reasonable (albeit much slower than before) speed of 110MB/s before slowing down to 0.5-2MB/s after hitting about 5% - A CLI copy (using the advanced move and copy plugin) showed an average speed of >1MB/s but very brief and infrequent peaks of 200MB/s - I couldn't measure SMB copy speeds as it took 10 minutes for the root folder to populate, before crashing my disk speed measurement tool (Black Magic) 2. So given the above, the logical step is to do a graceful reboot. I have tried this from the webgui as well as SSH 'sudo reboot -n' but the array never shutdown, requiring a hard reboot using the power button. Not ideal 3. I believe this is related to the disk speed issue but my Windows 10 VM has been extremely unreliable. Initially I thought it was a corrupt install so did a fresh one but I'm experiencing the exact same issues. Programs are very slow to start but often fail to start. Occasionally starting a program freezes the VM which in turn crashes Unraid. The web GUI fails to load, I'm unable to SSH into the array. All my docker containers become unresponsive but I'm still able to ping the NIC. I've attached a diagnostics file, although this was taken after a dirty reboot so I'm not entirely sure what will be recorded. Thank you in advance to anyone offering some support, this has caused a lot of lost sleep. Edit: Managed a reboot to attempt a memtest which never made it to the memtest GUI, instead it kept kicking me back out to the unraid boot menu. hades-diagnostics-20220401-0859.zip
  8. Hi all, I've recently upgraded my unraid server and after the initial build everything was up and running. Once I had confirmed this, I followed this video on how to move my unraid dockers/VMs from one cache drive to another (upgraded from a sata SSD to M.2). However, on doing this I'm now getting the following error. I attempted to recreate my docker image following the FAQ on this page but that hasn't seemed to help. All my containers are now missing and I can't reinstall any of them. The local data appears to still be there and just to confirm, I ran an app data restore but I still can't reinstall any containers without seeing errors like the one below. Any help is massively appreciated. root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='binhex-minecraftserver' --net='bridge' --privileged=true -e TZ="Europe/London" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'CREATE_BACKUP_HOURS'='4' -e 'PURGE_BACKUP_DAYS'='14' -e 'ENABLE_WEBUI_CONSOLE'='yes' -e 'ENABLE_WEBUI_AUTH'='yes' -e 'WEBUI_USER'='admin' -e 'WEBUI_PASS'='Architects' -e 'WEBUI_CONSOLE_TITLE'='Minecraft Java' -e 'JAVA_INITIAL_HEAP_SIZE'='1024M' -e 'JAVA_MAX_HEAP_SIZE'='2048M' -e 'JAVA_MAX_THREADS'='2' -e 'UMASK'='000' -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -p '25565:25565/tcp' -p '8222:8222/tcp' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/binhex-minecraftserver':'/config':'rw' 'binhex/arch-minecraftserver' Unable to find image 'binhex/arch-minecraftserver:latest' locally docker: Error response from daemon: Get https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/: dial tcp: lookup registry-1.docker.io on read udp> i/o timeout. See 'docker run --help'. The command failed.
  9. Ayyyy! We are up and running again!!!! So after some trial and error I managed to get it working. In case anyone has a similar issue in the future... Looks like the trick was to prepare the USB using Rufus and check the make "add fixes for old bios" once I did that, copy the unraid contents over manually and run the make bootable script. Managed to find this solution browsing the forums and it looks like I just happened to find another Dell PowerEdge user with the same issue.
  10. Fantastic, I'll attempt to create the USB on another machine. Is it likely that it might be a mac related issue and I may be best off on a windows machine?
  11. I have tried: - Flashing 2 different drives (both USB 2.0) using both the manual method and the unraid USB creator. - I've tried the manual method in both MacOS and Windows - I've attempted to use both UEFI and Bios (bios had been previously running on my machine) UEFI gets a "ok bad file number" error after the unraid menu. - Bios does not boot at all (never makes it to the menu) with my machine saying that no bootable drive is found. The USB itself can be seen by the machine and the boot order is setup to see the USB stick.
  12. Okay I’ll continue to use the original flash drive for that reason but had wanted to see if it was the USB stick hence trying a spare. Unfortunately it still isn’t working.
  13. Hi All, I've been running Unraid for about 6 months now and powered off my tower as I had an electrician around. On reboot, unraid failed to boot and after determining it was likely the USB stick, I copied the contents over and reflashed a new USB stick. I'm now getting errors on my Dell T410 saying: "No boot device available". I've tried recreating the flash drive in MacOS and Windows using the unraid utility as well as manually creating the drive in both MacOS and Windows. I had been using BIOS before but tried UEFI just to see if that would work and that gives me an "ok bad file number" when attempting to boot. In UEFI mode I get the Unraid menu but then followed by the previously stated error. I'm a little lost now and would really appreciate some support.
  14. Update: So I've managed to fix this initial issue by entering my domain name in the Domain name section, which had slightly misleading instructions. However, what I'm actually trying to do is add a second A record to my domain that points to my local server. My main '@' A Record points to a hosted website elsewhere. How can I setup this container to just update the second A name? Hi All, Long time unraid user but currently having some issues with this docker image. I'm getting the following logs. Can anyone advise on what I need to do to resolve this? Annoyingly I had this image working until very recently when I tried to add another hostname to it but there was no edit button so I had to delete and reinstall the image which has since broken it. 2020-10-16 12:37:02,560 : ERROR : root - Got exception updating godaddy records Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/godaddypy/client.py", line 106, in _validate_response_success response.raise_for_status() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/requests/models.py", line 941, in raise_for_status raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self) requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 422 Client Error: Unprocessable Entity for url: https://api.godaddy.com/v1/domains/home/records/A/@ During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/godaddy-publicip-updater.py", line 126, in loop_forever worked = update_godaddy_records(new_ip) File "/godaddy-publicip-updater.py", line 72, in update_godaddy_records records = g_client.get_records(domain, name=a_name, record_type='A') File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/godaddypy/client.py", line 190, in get_records data = self._get_json_from_response(url) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/godaddypy/client.py", line 66, in _get_json_from_response return self._request_submit(requests.get, url=url, json=json, **kwargs).json() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/godaddypy/client.py", line 92, in _request_submit self._validate_response_success(resp) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/godaddypy/client.py", line 108, in _validate_response_success raise BadResponse(response.json()) godaddypy.client.BadResponse: Response Data: {'code': 'INVALID_BODY', 'fields': [{'code': 'MISMATCH_FORMAT', 'message': "does not conform to the 'domain' format, based on pattern: /^[^.]{1,63}(\\.[^.]{1,63})+$/", 'path': 'path.domain'}], 'message': "Request body doesn't fulfill schema, see details in `fields`"}
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