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Posts posted by kjkent

  1. FIXED! 


    If anyone is to stumble across this in the future: to access the mobile interface of Calibre web, it's not the same port as the desktop/JavaScript web interface for the server. You need to access the content server port.


    For me, going to [Server IP]:[Calibre CONTENT SERVER IP]/mobile    ... worked. (For me,


    Hopefully this helps someone in the future, but alas perhaps nobody will be as daft as I have been for the past multiple hours.


    @saarg, thanks for your input regardless. So happy to solve this!

  2. 1 minute ago, saarg said:

    Calibre is not a webgui. It's running as an app inside the container and you are using guacamole to connect to the "desktop". So adding /mobile will not work.


    Where did you read that you can add /mobile at the end of the URL?

    Hi @saarg, thanks for your input. At this URL: https://manual.calibre-ebook.com/server.html


    It says: "If you are using a particularly old or limited browser or you don’t like to run JavaScript, you can use the mobile view, by simply adding /mobile to the the server address."


  3. Hello all!


    Weird bug I'm encountering. I'm trying to access the mobile view of the web server to download content to my Paperwhite. Calibre documentation says goto [serverIP]:[serverPort]/mobile.


    For me, works fine, takes me to the JS guacamole login page.

  gets me a 404 error, screenshot attached.


    If anyone has any advice I'd be super appreciative. Thanks all.


  4. Hey @clowrym, firstly thanks so much for running the repository. I had a question about the transmission_vpn docker app that I'm struggling to find answers to -- can you help?


    The share folder /mnt/user/T_Media/Torrent/ is mapped to /mnt/user/T_Media/Torrent/ in the docker and the path is labelled "Download:", with the description "Container Path: /mnt/user/T_Media/Torrent/". Why is this necessary when there's already a "Download:" path that maps /mnt/user/T_Media/Torrent/ to /downloads in the container?


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