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Posts posted by stFfn

  1. Hey im trying to Start a Sons of Forest Server.

    But everytime i get the message that my UDP gameport 8766 is closed. I´ve opened a the port in my UDM Pro Firewall like all the other ports needed. butonly on this port im getting the error.
    does anyone know how to solve this?






    All ports are not only UDP or TCP they are opend for both.

  2. 12 hours ago, SmartPhoneLover said:

    Hi, check the documentation. All is there.

    In your case, seems you have changed the port but didn't adjust the internal port accordingly: LINK.


    In other words, if you want to use another port other than the default one for the internal one, you must declare it with the DASHDOT_PORT variable. After that, you can use your own port.

    OK i found out why its not wokring...


    the gpu variable seems to be not working. when i delete that variable it works.

  3. 7 hours ago, SmartPhoneLover said:

    Hi, check the documentation. All is there.

    In your case, seems you have changed the port but didn't adjust the internal port accordingly: LINK.


    In other words, if you want to use another port other than the default one for the internal one, you must declare it with the DASHDOT_PORT variable. After that, you can use your own port.

    sorry im a noob.


    but even if i change the port back it does not work. (don tknow why the orange port number is still the one i´ve changed it to)



  4. well im using rsync right now. but rsync is more like a copy job and not a backup. with this tool you have full backups and incrementel backups and have mor statistics and so on. why cant i just tell the tool to backup from one directory to another? why would i only backup other clients and not the server it selfe?

    or is there a client docker for this and i can use that in combination?

  5. 7 hours ago, frakman1 said:


    I put mine around line 116:




    I now notice that I use log_format while the file seems to be using log-format. Not sure if it makes a difference. You may want to try both if it isn't working like you expect.


    it doesnt work either way.


    i also have these Problems :(


    Parsed 1 lines producing the following errors:
    Token '-' doesn't match specifier '%m'
    Format Errors - Verify your log/date/time format
    usermod: no changes
    Running container as dockeruser in group users (99:100)
    Variables set:
    nginx: [alert] could not open error log file: open() "/var/lib/nginx/logs/error.log" failed (13: Permission denied)
    usermod: no changes
    Running container as dockeruser in group users (99:100)
    Variables set:
    nginx: [alert] could not open error log file: open() "/var/lib/nginx/logs/error.log" failed (13: Permission denied)
    Parsed 1 lines producing the following errors:
    Token '-' doesn't match specifier '%m'
    Format Errors - Verify your log/date/time format


  6. On 3/12/2021 at 10:03 AM, frakman1 said:





    - You have Nginx Proxy Manager already installed and working. I am using this one from the Community Applications: jlesage/nginx-proxy-manager:



    - You have installed goaccess from Community Applications but it's not working out-of-the-box. I am using this one from the Community Applications: gregyankovoy/goaccess



    There are three main steps


    1- Have your log generator container (Nginx Proxy Manager) output its logs into a folder that goaccess can, well, access

    2- Configure goaccess to look for the right log file 

    3- Configure goaccess to understand how to parse the log/date/time format


    Step One: Map Log File Folder


    I use Nginx Proxy Manager and by default, it puts its access logs in the file /config/log/default.log. This location is non-configurable. Well, actually it's configured in the file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf with the line:


    access_log /config/log/default.log proxy;


    ... but nginx.conf is not in a mapped folder so I just left it alone. I just ensured that it mapped its /config/log folder to a folder that both containers could access. In my case, I used /mnt/user/dmz/goaccess/log




    Step Two: Configure Log File


    The goaccess container looks for its access logs in the file /opt/log/access.log by default. Luckily, this is configurable in the goaccess.conf file that is mapped to the host's /mnt/user/appdata/goaccess/goaccess.conf file. In there, change the line:


    log-file /opt/log/access.log



    log-file /opt/log/default.log



    Step Three: Configure Log Format


    The other thing to do is to provide the log/date/time file format that Nginx Proxy Manager uses in a language that goaccess understands. The nginx format is defined in the same nginx.conf file mentioned above as:


    log_format standard '[$time_local] $status - $request_method $scheme $host "$request_uri" [Client $remote_addr] [Length $body_bytes_sent] [Gzip $gzip_ratio] "$http_user_agent" "$http_referer"';


    There is a nifty script that does this mapping for you here. The short story is that it has to look like this for goaccess to understand it otherwise you get parsing errors.


    time-format %T
    date-format %d/%b/%Y
    log_format [%d:%t %^] %s - %m %^ %v "%U" [Client %h] [Length %b] [Gzip %^] "%u" "%R"


    Now, open the file goaccess.conf again and comment out the line:


    log-format COMBINED


    and paste the three lines describing the log/date/time format we want.


    That's it. You should now have a beautiful dashboard of your Nginx Proxy Manager access logs including which subdomains are getting used most (virtual hosts) and which URLs end up going to 404 (possible attacks) and a whole lot more besides!


    Sample Dashboard:




    Note that it should update in real time as long as the settings cog on the left has a green dot near it like this:




    That means that the websocket is connected.




    If you want to get all geeky and see the results in a terminal window, you can do that too.

    Just open the goaccess container's Console window and paste the three lines of log/date/time format into the file ~/.goaccessrc so it looks like this:


    # cat ~/.goaccessrc 
    time-format %T
    date-format %d/%b/%Y
    log_format [%d:%t %^] %s - %m %^ %v "%U" [Client %h] [Length %b] [Gzip %^] "%u" "%R"


    and run:


     goaccess /opt/log/default.log 


    And you will get the same information in a terminal window:

    (Navigate with TAB and SHIFT+TAB button to jump between sections and ENTER to expand selection. q to quit)




    hey im kinda new to linux. where and how do i have to us the "nifty" script to change the format?

  7. 35 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    As said before, you have to forward all ports from the template in the router, not only 27015 and not both protocols, you have to go in the template and forward the ports that are in there with the exact same protocol, some game servers don't like it when you forward both and it is only UDP needed for example!

    Also note that you have to restart the server after you forwarded the ports correctly.

    Ok Thx. now the server is reachable :)

    • Like 1
  8. 11 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    Forward the ports with the right protocol and you should be good to go.


    Please don't route anything through a reverse proxy from a game server because this can make things really complicated... :D


    If you did everything right it should show up on the in game server list (keep in mind this could take a few minutes after you've started the server) or simply give your friends your domain name with the port like: 'yourdomain.com:27015' for the Steam Server browser.

    Actually I don't remember if you can direct connect in TheForest...

    ok i disabled all domain stuff and just portforwarded 27015 to my unraid server.

    now lets wait and see if it works.

  9. 12 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    Keep an eye on the logs, it actually will tell you at the start if it updates. ;)

    thanks :)

    is there anything special i have to to that my friends can play on this server?

    do i have to create a dns entry on my domain and use nginx to forward to this docker? or am i thinking to complicated?

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