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  1. For some reason I can't run the mysql_secure_installation command in the linuxserver/mariadb container. It works fine in the official mariadb container and is in the mariadb documentation recommended for a "productive" system. But mine ist only throwing the following error when I enter my password that I chose at container creation: Enter current password for root (enter for none): ERROR 1133 (28000) at line 1: Can't find any matching row in the user table My mariadb will only be for a private nextcloud, so it's not directly a productive system. But nextcloud will be accessible from the internet (behind reverse proxy) so I am concerned about security. So is it intended that the mysql_secure_installation can't be executed or is it already been done by linuxserver? Or should I pick the official mariadb container for my usecase?
  2. Could it be that the path to /etc/mysql/conf.d should be pointin to /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d ? Because the official mariadb image seems to work with the mariadb.conf.d and not with conf.d At least the conf.d folder is empty in my installation.
  3. I'm running Unraid 6.8.3 and I am trying to activate the IPv6 privacy extension in the network settings. But if I enable it and click on apply the option is back to "disabled". My router (FritzBox 6660) ist supporting IPv6 and my Unraid machine can be accessed by IPv6. Am I missing something here or is this a bug? Is the privacy extension some sort of hardware feature?