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Report Comments posted by donatom3

  1. 16 hours ago, cwin2000 said:

    Just want to report that I'm experiencing the same issue with similar output in my system log. Also on a 12700k with /boot/config/modprobe.d/i915.conf containing "options i915 force_probe=4680". I know the UHD770 won't be officially supported until Unraid has the 5.16 kernel or later, but I wanted to confirm the behavior regardless.  

    I'm having this issue to. When I check nextdns, cloudflare, google for ip6.[hash].myunraid.net I just "get couldn't find ip6.[hash].myunraid.net. Is there a problem with the DDNS service and AAAA records right now?


    If I turn off ipv6 on my interface then reboot it defaults to X-X-X-X.[hash].myunraid.net and works fine with ipv4.

  2. On 12/27/2020 at 11:35 PM, Can0n said:

    on only one of my 2 servers I am seeing kcompactd0 eat up 100% cpu approx every two days  it makes the webgui completely unresponsive and cannot get diagnostics at all (let it run 24 hours before i had to power cycle the server)

    kill command doesnt work and unable to do much else

    only started about a week ago and not sure what is the cause since i cant run diagnostics


    I'm seeing the same thing. I suspect this is what happens before my machine hangs ans I can't even ping it. I had to hard power boot the host as well.

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