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Everything posted by eastpanther95

  1. Bumping this back up not sure if any of you have similar issues
  2. PIA user here, moving to nextgen servers, removed old container and image. Pulled using command: docker create --name deluge --restart=always --privileged=true -p 8112:8112 -p 8118:8118 -p 58846:58846 -p 58946:58946 -v H:\Deluge\Data:/data -v H:\Deluge\config:/config -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -e VPN_ENABLED=yes -e VPN_CLIENT=wireguard -e VPN_USER=XXXXXXX -e VPN_PASS=XXXXXXX -e VPN_PROV=pia -e STRICT_PORT_FORWARD=yes -e ENABLE_PRIVOXY=yes -e LAN_NETWORK= -e NAME_SERVERS=,,,,, -e DELUGE_DAEMON_LOG_LEVEL=info -e DELUGE_WEB_LOG_LEVEL=info -e DEBUG=false -e UMASK=000 -e PUID=0 -e PGID=0 binhex/arch-delugevpn VPN fails to start, supervisord shows the issue bringing up the interface. Not sure what the resolution is. Any help? 2020-10-25 17:05:49,384 DEBG 'start-script' stderr output: [#] ip link add wg0 type wireguard 2020-10-25 17:05:49,389 DEBG 'start-script' stderr output: RTNETLINK answers: Operation not supported 2020-10-25 17:05:49,402 DEBG 'start-script' stderr output: Unable to access interface: Protocol not supported 2020-10-25 17:05:49,404 DEBG 'start-script' stderr output: [#] ip link delete dev wg0 2020-10-25 17:05:49,422 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output: [warn] WireGuard interface failed to come 'up', exit code is '1'
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