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Doug Estey

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Posts posted by Doug Estey

  1. Hey @Djoss - thank you for all your hard work on this image. I've been using it for years now without issue. :)

    Today I'm having something a little worrisome happening over here with my setup.


    One of my (2) drives is failing, and the plan is to swap in an identical replacement drive, then run a restore from CrashPlan. Here's my status on the client itself:


    Ok, seems good... but then:




    And on the Code42 side, I woke up this morning and had an critical backup alert delivered to by inbox.

    Here's what their web UI is looking like:



    I've been willing to put up with CrashPlan's shitty interfaces up to this point, but now I don't have much faith.

    Is there anything I can do to with CrashPlan or the container to be sure my files are backed up before I pull this drive?

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