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Everything posted by key_sick

  1. isnt it on unraid..? happens to me on every single docker that i run, will take a look at the support thanks
  2. got an issue with an i7700k, 16g, and couple drives paired with 2 graphic cards for VMs. been trying a long time to start a docker on rust and fivem to host a server by my own with 600mb internet, but cannot make it work, byu cannot make it work i mean 'make it online to connect', as fiveM requires an address to resolve, i noticed there was a problem when they webpage that gives me the key for the server couldnt resolve my supposed ip adress given by unraid docker... any toughts about?... was planning to host couple servers of rust and fivem, using a 2697 v3, 128g and a simple x99 asus A but wouldnt waste that amount of money if is not possible to host servers on my own trought unraid.
  3. got an issue with an i7700k, 16g, and couple drives paired with 2 graphic cards for VMs. been trying a long time to start a docker on rust and fivem to host a server by my own with 600mb internet, but cannot make it work, byu cannot make it work i mean 'make it online to connect', as fiveM requires an address to resolve, i noticed there was a problem when they webpage that gives me the key for the server couldnt resolve my supposed ip adress given by unraid docker... any toughts about?... was planning to host couple servers of rust and fivem, using a 2697 v3, 128g and a simple x99 asus A but wouldnt waste that amount of money if is not possible to host servers on my own trought unraid.
  4. the problem is i cannot manage to connect to the ip. i supposed that i would connect to the displayed ip address as with the port 28015... but cant connect trough rust console (f1) or neither find the server on rust as modded or community... i had a rust server before but paid to gameservers to host it, and as im using unraid i was planning to skip the step to pay to a 3rd company instead. EDIT: this is what happens when i try to connect
  5. those are the main steps to setup the OS to run metin2 serverfiles... dunno if it could be possible on linux, or the possibility to make a vm under a container? im kinda new to this world and wanted to get my self a e5 2697v3 to run couple rust and metin2 server our of it... but no success yet
  6. i would like a docker for metin2, i cant manage to install freebsd on a vm to run a server off of it, but a docker would be easier?... and to not double post... is there any guide to use your rust docker and also make it visible online? the ip given connect me to official servers but not to mine as supposed, thanks in advance