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Everything posted by MiWu

  1. I seem to have solved it in a strange way. I had to notice that my server (a HP desktop computer), now and then would not boot, because no boot drive was found. I had the feeling it was the Secure Boot stuff from HP that messed up, so I first screwed around in the bios, without success. Then I made a new boot stick (USB 2.0, the old was USB 3.0) and now everything seems to go smoothly and the server also pulls the IP address assigned to him. Very Strange.
  2. I have the problem that sometimes I can't access my Unraid server, because it just doesn't take the DCHP address from the router but just starts with a 169.xxx ip address. This happens in about 7/10 cases and it's really annoying because I usually turn off my server in the evening because I only need it to archive video material and then the next day I have to turn the device on and off 7 times until it starts with the correct IP. I just do not know what the reason is, in the router are fixed IPs assigned and in unraid also. I have 3 network cards, one onboard on the motherboard and a 10GbE card with two independent network ports, I have tested all ports individually and have also tested two together, it is always the same phenomenon. What I read in the forum so far is that the server assigns itself a 169.xxx address when it is not assigned an address, but I do not know why, since the router is connected 24/7 to the server and the cables are also okay. What could be the reason?
  3. Hello dear Unraid Community, I am still a Unraid newbie and just built and set up my first server, now I wanted to install an OSX VM with the MacInABox plugin, which also worked well in a first test. I had the idea to separate my VMs and my cache pool from each other, because thanks to the new beta of Unraid (6.9) it is now possible to create multiple pools. What would be the best way to proceed? I have already done the following: - created a cache pool with a 1TB SSD (this should only be used for data transfer) - created a pool with a 256GB NVMe named "vmpool" (this should only be used for the VMs, for now only MAC OSX) Now I'm wondering which shares have to be switched to the "VMpool" in the cache option? All of the standard shares or just "domains" and "isos"? Furthermore I ask myself what I have to enter in the MacInABox installation at "VM Images location" and "XML Location" or is the file path automatically correct when the above question is answered? Sorry for these beginner questions but I didn't really find what I was looking for in the forum or my understanding wasn't good enough to understand the answers. I am looking forward to your answers
  4. Hello Guys, i'm Milan and still new in the unraid world, I just built my first server and i'm interested in an OSX VM (via Mac In a box plugin) and how to set it up on a separate NVMe. What @trurl said about a second cache pool sounds great, so i downloaded the beta for testing purposes, what's the best way to proceed? I have already set up a second cache pool called "vm" with a 256GB NVMe. So which of the shares should be set to my "vm" pool instead of the normal cache drive? Just "domains" and "isos", is that right? I am looking forward to your answers
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