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Everything posted by MEF

  1. I am all of a sudden getting the "Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr" in the log. Also started happening in Radarr. Previously the setup has run flawlessly since the time I set it up. Sonarr Version is I've tried the Set permissions features listed above(0666, 0777, 99, 100) and still the issue persists. Manual Imports work just fine. The only thing that I can think might have changed before this started happening was that I update my Qbittorrent docker. Looking for some hand holding/ suggestions on how to proceed as my typical Googling and forum reading hasn't been able to crack the issue thus far. **Disclaimer I'm still a relative novice when it comes to Linux and Docker.** Stumbled across some notes on Reddit that there is issues with Qbt versions higher that 4.2.5 and the work around is to upgrade Sonarr to V3. I will give this a try.
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