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Posts posted by PeacefulDiscord

  1. 1 minute ago, JorgeB said:

    It wasn't an error, it just was interrupted:


    # 2  Extended offline    Interrupted (host reset)      00%      9462 


    This can be caused by the disk spinning down during the test, you need to disable that, but like mentioned disks looks fine.

    Oh OK. Thanks for putting my mind at ease.


    Do you know what should my next steps be to bring the disk back online and enabled for Unraid to use? Don't want to make a mistake as I am fairly new to Unraid.

  2. Hey everyone,


    I hope that someone can help out with an issue I just ran into after checking into my Unraid server. It seems that last night, one of my drives got disabled and went into a red state. I checked the syslog (which I have attached) and it seems that there was an IO error on that specific (sdf) drive.


    I tried to run an extended SMART test but that also failed. I have attached the SMART error report as well for your convenience.


    This drive has been in my system for a year now with no issues. It hasn't been used by Unraid yet so the drive itself I believe is still empty of data.


    I have eight drives in my system, all of which are attached to a Dell H310 HBA flashed to IT mode. All eight drives are connected to their own SATA power cable.


    However, I am not sure what to do now. Should I reboot the machine to see if the drive is reenabled? Should I try to stop the array and rebuild the drive? Any help would be appreciated here.



    equinox-smart-20211221-1823.zip equinox-syslog-20211221-0919.zip

  3. Just now, ich777 said:

    This seems pretty easy to implement, please hook me up with a short PM.

    Also would this be enough if we chat and implement that after the weekend because weekend is family time for my and my little son's birthday was yesterday... :)


    Hey no worries man. Totally understand. Spend as much time as you need with your family. Oh and Happy Birthday to your son!!!


    I shall shoot you a PM now where we can stay in touch and discuss things further once you are back to do your magic :)

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, ich777 said:

    I don't know anything about that, have you got a resource or link to the repository?


    Sure, here you go: https://github.com/nxPublic/ValheimPlus


    I am currently helping the mod maintainer with Linux configuration and using your Docker as my testing environment, so I know specifically what needs to be changed to make the whole thing work correctly together. Since the mod uses a modding framework called BepInEx (which most mods at the moment are using), maybe it could be a flag or something in the config files to enable running BepInEx?

  5. I am new to unRAID and have installed this Docker container throught the Community Applications plugin by following Spaceinvader One's YouTube tutorial.


    Everything works fine at the moment except for my upload speeds. I am testing this via LAN and it seems like I am getting atrocious upload speeds when uploading files through the WebGUI or through the Nextcloud desktop app.


    I don't have a reverse proxy configured just yet so that can't be the reason. I also have my Nextcloud share on an SSD cache drive.


    My LAN connection is 1 Gigabit so theoretically I should be achieving that speed but I am only getting about 100Mbps give or take. Anyone got a clue how to fix this? I have tried searching on these forums, on Reddit, and on Nextcloud's forums but there are no concrete fixes.


    Interestingly, when I use something like the Filebrowser Docker container, I get full upload speeds to that container's share.


    Any ideas?

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