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Report Comments posted by SimplifyAndAddCoffee

  1. On 2/9/2021 at 10:22 PM, John_M said:

    Changing the name of a share doesn't move data. It just changes the name of the folder where it exists in the root of each disk and pool.

    ok I'm gonna nitpick here and say that's moving it. Functionally the data has moved and is no longer at the path where applications are looking for it.


    On 2/9/2021 at 10:22 PM, John_M said:

    You can't unlink the "/mnt/docker/appdata" directory from the "appdata" share because the "appdata" share is a union of the following directories, some of which may not be present and some of which may be present but empty:

    • /mnt/cache/appdata
    • /mnt/docker/appdata
    • /mnt/any-other-pool/appdata
    • /mnt/disk1/appdata
    • /mnt/disk2/appdata
    • /mnt/diskN/appdata

    What... the fuck? why? appdata is or should be by its nature assigned a static path by the applications that use it. You don't want appdata on the array, and with this arrangement, how do you even control where it goes if you actually point something at the share? This seems like a really poor design choice from the perspective of safe data storage. 


    It explains perfectly why I had this issue and why I was confounded by it: doing it that way seems insane to me so it never crossed my mind.


    Sorry, that's just frustrating.


    On 2/9/2021 at 10:22 PM, John_M said:

    Reconfigure each of your docker templates so that they map to /mnt/user/appdata (or /mnt/docker/appdata, if you wish) instead of to the location on your unassigned device tha you previously used (which was probably something like /mnt/disks/unassigned-disk-name/appdata).

    OK Again I still don't understand why you would ever want to point them to the share if you can't effectively control what device pool the data ends up on. The UI intuitively makes it sound as if the data will go to the pool location you specify, but I'm not entirely convinced that's the case. Can I trust it to do that? I explicitly want the data to exist on the docker pool and only on the docker pool. That is where my apps are already pointing at this point, and it's where I need SMB access to pull/put files such as for nginx. 


    So this brings me to a new question of, is there no way to share an existing directory in unraid? will I fuck something up if I try to call samba directly to do it? I would, for example, really like to make a share mapping to a directory that already exists and is full of files I want to access without moving them. e.g. /mnt/docker/appdata/nginx/html/www/ so that I can give someone access to tamper with the website without giving them access to the whole drive.

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