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Posts posted by dacomand

  1. Hello ich777,


    i have a problem with the minecraft basic server. How can i run this one as a bukket server? When i am replacing the server.jar to the craftbukket jar in the folder and edit this also to the same name in the docker it will always do the default server.jar and replace/delete my old one. What am i doing wrong?

  2. Hey vielen Dank für die Zeit und die ausführlichen Inspirationen.


    Ich habe mir nun überlegt, dass ich es vielleicht etwas anders lösen werde.

    Ich werde einen Docker schreiben, der beim Starten oder nach einer gewissen Zeit automatisch eine Verbindung über Wireguard aufbaut und in ein Verzeichnis entsprechend die verschlüsselten Daten empfängt, nimmt und auf eine Festplatte schreibt. Anschließend wird das ganze gelöscht.


    Danach wird die Verbindung wieder unterbrochen.

    Ich denke ich werde das die Tage mal testen.

  3. Hallo zusammen,

    ich benötige von euch bitte Hilfe bzw. Inspiration zum Thema BackUp wichtiger Daten.


    Ich möchte gerne, dass gewisse Daten offsite, also z.B. bei einem Freund oder Familienmitglied entsprechend gesichert werden können.


    Dazu hatte ich mir folgendes überlegt:

    -  WireGuard VPN zu einem PI an dem eine externe Platte angeschlossen ist.

    -  Außerdem würde ich dazu den Docker Duplicati nutzen



    - das ganze soll automatisiert zu gewissen Uhrzeiten laufen


    Bisher habe ich noch keine Lösung gefunden / finden können. Habt ihr hierzu Ideen ?

    Ich bedanke mich vorab!


  4. 5 hours ago, ich777 said:

    I now also downloaded and installed the container and it starts just fine and I can query it from the Steam Server Browser, attached the log here: garry.log


    Can you try the following:

    1. Delete the container entirely
    2. Open up a command prompt from Unraid itself and type in: 'rm -rf /mnt/user/GModTest/' (without quotes)
    3. Also 'rm -rf /mnt/user/Steamcmd/' (without quotes) - I recommend leaving SteamCMD in the appdata directory...
    4. Download it again from the CA App

    What filesystem is your Array formated with? Can you eventually try to setup a Unassigned Devices disk (if you got a Disk somewhere lying around) - the path would then be something like '/mnt/disks/DISKNAME/garrysmod'

    First of all, thanks for your help -- much appreciated:)

    I did a clean install, yet nothing changed - still the seg fault crash.log

    The only change I did to the template from CA was to the ServerFiles to '/mnt/disk2/garrysmodTest' (leaving ServerFiles with default settings segFaults too)



    All disks are formatted to xfs

    I don't have a spare disk atm. I can try to hook up an USB stick in the next days, if needed


    EDIT: @ich777 mounting an USB stick as an unassigned Device for the ServerFiles did infact work. But im still puzzled on why it is not working using an Arraydisk -- any thoughts on this? I think using an USB stick is an sub-optimal solution. Do you have any ideas on how to utilize the array?

  5. 54 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    Have you installed a Cache drive in your server? If not can you send me a screenshot of you docker template page?

    Keep in mind that if you have no cache drive installed that you have to specify the exact path of the gamefiles for example '/mnt/disk2/appdata/garrysmod' and not with the 'user' prefix since this game needs to know the physical location where the files are (also please keep in mind that it has to be on one disk and should not be spreaded over multiple array disks).

    No, I do not have a Cache drive installed, just 3 Array- and 1 Parity-Disk.

    In the meantime I tampered with the template a little - yet had no luck so far.

    I created 2 shares, dedicated to disk 2 (see below) and mounted these into the container

    Both shares (Steamcmd and GModTest) are setup identically



    This is the current (still not working) template configuration.


  6. Hi there :)

    I am trying to setup a Garry's Mod Server, but unfortunately it keeps crashing with a segmentation fault even on default settings.

    Here is a snippet of the logs


        ---Start Server---
        Auto detecting CPU
        Using default binary: ./srcds_linux
        Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.
        Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 4000
        [S_API] SteamAPI_Init(): Loaded 'steamclient.so' OK.
        CApplicationManagerPopulateThread took 0 milliseconds to initialize (will have waited on CAppInfoCacheReadFromDiskThread)
        CAppInfoCacheReadFromDiskThread took 3 milliseconds to initialize
        [S_API FAIL] Tried to access Steam interface SteamUser020 before SteamAPI_Init succeeded.
        tcmalloc: large alloc 4288397312 bytes == (nil) @
        Could not find steamerrorreporter binary. Any minidumps will be uploaded in-processCWorkThreadPool::~CWorkThreadPool: work complete queue not empty, 2 items discarded.
        Segmentation fault


    Any idea on what is causing this or how to analyse this further?

    Best Regards

  7. Hey guys,


    I am trying to setup a Garry's Mod Server running TTT in a Docker using this Docker Repo
    I have tested this Docker image on a local VM and everything works as expected.

    Trying to get it running on my unRaid setup causes scrds_linux to crash with a segfault...

    That said, it only crashes, when I am mounting a smb share folder into the container where I want all the game files to be installed into.

    Basically: mapping the host directory to the container's directory where everything gets downloaded so it does not reside inside the container, but on the host.

    Installing the game files inside the container (without mounting any directory) works fine. (This is no option though).

    My current guess is that there is something wrong with the file permissions. (I suspect the segfault is due to missing permission to read/write some file)

    I attached the logs from the console crashlog.txt (for some reason the first letters are cut)

    I set the Docker to start with -u 99:100 to set the UID and GUI accordingly.

    Even changing the entry point script for the container to set the umask to 0000 did not help.


    Hope you can give me some pointers or concrete solutions for this problem ;)
    Thanks in advance

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