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  1. Acutually not, but I can provide, is not a problem. Which are the next steps ? Taking in consideration, that i was never able to passthorugh a videocard...that's why I stopped to use the server, because my first goal was to use virtua machine. Now , since i bought a 1080TI, i would try this card, that i knew spwceinvaders were using with success. thx
  2. Hi Frank, tried, but still doesn't work. I wrote to the support...and hope they can help me to get rid of this bad situation
  3. Hi Frank, well....ehhhh....yeah...it could be...ok....let me try and I'll let you know.... Really thankful for your prompt answer.
  4. dears, after a year, probably more.... I turned on again my server. As a bad surprise it seems that I can't access it anymore. I had reserve a ip address on my router, and scanning my device connected i can see it, and its ip address, but despite of that I can't access it. Login into my server application on me server appear a nice Red cross, and I don't know ( or don't remember ) what I could do to reach out my server. Is there anyone that can help me with this ( I'm sure ) very basic personal mistake ? THX
  5. Hi guys, I have the same issue with a new brand 3060Ti : Blank screen and/or at least seems that the VideoCard didn't work. I just tried to create the script mentioned bu Spaceinvaders, but, at least for me, this script didn,t work as it might be. - It's stuck to the line where it says to restart the server. I did it...the server re started, but the script didn't go over Two more questions: - in the tutorial the script recognize which kind of card is installed, in my case the system didn't show any card ( just a general nividia card ). What I did worng ? How can I let the system to recognize which card is installed ? - Did the script create on his own the dump file ? Or do we have to tell the system where the .rom file is located ? I would really love to understand why my brand new card can't work and/or is not recognized. THX Any supoort is more than welcome
  6. well, man, you have to be really patience with me, because if there something more than a newbie.... then I'm even newbier.... :o))) you gave me a lot of advices, but not sure to get the full meaning....then, if you you is not a problem, pls...pls..slow down, and image to have in front of you a.... baby....veery baby... :o)). Well, let me try to clarify my doubts : - creating a VM Win 10 following the Spaceinvader tutorial is ...let's say easy... I already did some attempts with success.... VM were created, with VNC drivers and everything works fine.... untill here....ok.. - when you mention " enable remote desktop in the guest (inside the vm) " I guess you mean to add into the VM some software to remote control from outside ? Like Splashtop ? If yes, you mean that through it I could remove the VNC and replace with passthrough, chosing a Gpu or just simply set passthrough ? If I understood correctly I might be able to swap to the new card, forcing VM Win 10 to upload the drivers ? - I've tried to rename the VGA Biom file into Dump. but then in the VM edit, I'm not able to find where this file is. The only file, Unraid finds is the the original file. Tried to buid the Vm directly the the invidia gpu and his audio part, but it doesn't start. ( I was trying a shortcut, but no chance :o)) ) - The rest of screens you showed, are not so easy to understand from my side, therefore I'm not going to ask you further questions on those, because I don't want to overload you too many questions. My purpose is to be able to create a Vm that can work with my new ( and quite expense, I would say ) gpu card....but following several tutorial didn't give the chance to be sucessful on this side. I really appreciate your help, because is like a hand in a ocean storm...and i really would like to understand where I'm wrong. Unfortunately Spaceinvader make a lot of tutorial, but never answered to questions...and this ....doesn't help so much.... Thx Hoping to hear you soon
  7. Hi Ghost82, first, thanks for your answer and suggestions. - Ok, for Apple, I won't use the 3060.... got it ? Any other card could work ? perhaps a little bit older ? like a GTX 760 ? - Yes, I'm speaking about a Win WM. you see the two parts of the card are in group different, and this should be the best option, according to the several tutorial I saw ( is it correct ? ) - How can I install drivers ? Do you mean to put in the VM configuration the ROM file of the card ? is that you meant ? If yes, can I leave extension as ROM file or should I rename somehow ( as I saw in a Spaceinvaders tutorials on VM ) ? THx a lot for helping me
  8. Hi community, I beg your help, because I'm not able to understand where is the problem. Just bought a nvidia 3060TI, installed. Connected the HDMI cable to my monitor. I know that is works, because I can see all the bootup process running on the screen. But whn I go to "System devices" I can't see my brand new card. I just saw an anonymous : " 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation Device 2489 (rev a1) " but not the name of the new card. Tried to install the nvidia plugin but still I don't see any clear indication of the new card but I got this message : "NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running. " Tried to install either the latest version and the production one's and refreshed every tim. About this I understood that nvidia plugin it doesn't wok for Vm, therefore I removed the plugin. At any change I rebooted the server. In the " settings " I put into the " PCIe ACS override" : " both " as option, no results and still not able to passthorugh my GPU in the VM. I have a Apple VM installed, tried to set the nvidia card wjth the one mentioned ( 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation Device 2489 (rev a1) ) update the settings with the no warnings, but when I start the VM, the screen is still blank. Is there someone that is able to give me some indicatiions ? Should I hve to install the ROM file ? ( I didn't in this case, because I saw on youtube some tutorial where they didn't do and were able to passthorugh in any case ) In case should i leave the extension as *.rom or should I rename it ? In case the file has to be in the same folder where I keep the ISO's ? btw : I'm newbie on unraid, therefore all the suggetions are more than welcome THX really appreciate your support
  9. Hi and thanks for your answer Well, basically as a newbie, I would to use my GPU for VM, mainly, but could be that I would even use for dockers ( thinking to plex, mainly ) Then question is : can be right keep the plugin for both uses ? If not, my primary goal is VM, then, if I have to remove, I wll Can you tell me what do you mean about ABOVE 4G Decoding ? Where I could find this option in the BIOS menu ? THX a lot
  10. Hi community, I beg your help, because I'm not able to understand where is the problem. Just bought a nvidia 3060TI, installed. Connected the HDMI cable to my monitor. I know that is works, because I can see all the bootup process running on the screen. But whn I go to "System devices" I can't see my brand new card. I just saw an anonymous : " 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation Device 2489 (rev a1) " but not the name of the new card. Tried to install the nvidia plugin but still I don't see any clear indication of the new card but I got this message : "NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running. " Tried to install either the latest version and the production one's and refreshed every tim. At any change I rebooted the server. In the settings I put into the " PCIe ACS override" : both as option but still not able to run VM. I have a Apple VM installed, tried to set the nvidia card, update the settingd, no warnings, but when I start the VM, the screen is still blank. Is there someone that is able to give me some indicatiions ? btw : I'm newbie on unraid, therefore all the suggetions are more than welcome THX really appreciate your support
  11. Now I'm stuck, because the Video card is in my home pc and in the server i don't have any other card....or better I have a couple of very old RADEON HD5700, but they don't support UEFI, that , still reading somewhere, means I can't use because if I try to passthrough, the monitor is blank. Probably I should find his BIOS, but the card is so old that is not possible to find a BIOS ROM which is UEFI compatible Then, I would like to understand why the GTX is behaving in this way : dropping down my router, or if I put as card of one of my VM and I use his specific ROM file, I can see the vitual Win 10 on the screen, but still give me errors and impossible to apply the drivers. What I can do ? Buy another similar video card ? what if even the second one behaves like the first one ?
  12. Hi John, well, actually I'm quite "young" with Unraid and I'm collecting info all around and starting to build up my personal experience, but there are still lot of dark areas where I might be wrong. Let me explain a little more : I have two NMVe disk, both 1TB. I used the first one as cache and the second one is in unassigned devices. Since is 1TB, I understood( and probably I'm wrong) that if I create a Vm on this unassigned disk it will take all the amount and I don't have space for another one. That's why reading this and that I understood that I should have done some partitions in order to create multiple VM on the same NMVe. The purpose is not to let the VM being created in standard location, into the domain share, that is basically on the array or on the cache, another place that I wouldn't use for the VM, because I would prefer to let it free and works only as cache. Am I wrong ? What and How do you suggest to proceed ? Coming to the topic, another problem that this video card created me, is that when is installed into the server, my internet is down. I already tried all the troubleshooting and ...unfortunately the sentence is that when is connected and i try to passthrough my router is down. If I remove the card and work with my VMs in VNC, no problem at all., and the funny story is that the same card installed in my bare metal Vin 10 pc ( another pc ) it doesn't have this problem and works perfectly. Never happen in my life and I'm not able to understan why this should happen.
  13. Confirmed. Bouth one, installed and works thx
  14. Hi guys, I would like to ask you if you have tips for my problem. I recently bought a nvidia gtx760 card to use with my VMs. After initial issues , and following some video of SpaceInvaders, finally I was able to see the screen, then the passthrough seemed to work. I also passed trought a PCIe Usb controller and it works fine. My issue is that despite I downloaded the latest drivers( directly form the VM ) and installed them ( al least it seems ) I can't change the resolution, and if I go in manager devices the video card is recognized, but a yellow triangle is there and the explanations says that the video card had a problem and doesn't work properly. Actually I was wonderig where could be the problem and how to fix. here some details on how I preceeded, according to spaceinvader suggestion: - i create a file bios.dump for the video card - i create a domain subfolder called Vbios and i copied the file into it - my VM are located on a NMVe hdd, it's an unassigned disk and I partinioned with the docker Gparted ( 4 partitions of 240GB each ) - I edit the VM and I put, as bios video card file, the one mentioned before So, the monitor showed the VM, but with a low resolution. windows was not able to auto upload the video driver, but it did for the usb controller ( mouse, keyboard, ext usb stick were regognized, installed and work well ). So, I don't know if having the bios file in the domain subfolder and the Vdisk in another location could create problem. any suggestion is more than welcome THX
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