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Everything posted by pioneersky

  1. Hey I don't know if you're still struggling with this but I ran in to the same thing, seems to be an issue with that build (I think he does mention it is less stable than the unarr one) I was able to successfully update my library once removed the one generated by the p7zip version and installing the stable version and creating a new library. Once its created you can also use the desktop app to update as well As far as I know yes I have been using this for a couple years, I just have a user script set up using the plugin that runs at midnight every day to run the docker exec command from the OP that updates it. You could set the cronjob to an interval that's more frequent if you want.
  2. I'm having issues using the Windows YacReader Library trying to use the comicvine scraper, seems like maybe a permissions issue? When I try to scrape using what's on the Unraid server nothing changes, but when I try to scrape a local ydb library it updates. Any ideas?
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