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Everything posted by Berdad_Zero

  1. I got the array started. I have backed up the data, and its doing a parity check. It will take about a day and a half to complete. After its done I'll remove the zfs pool since there is ether something wrong with my drives or the motherboard, like I said all 3 would just drop off randomly. Thank you so much for the help! I was at my wits end.
  2. Ok so here you go. I'm thinking the syslog-previous is after I enabled it, started the array told it to shutdown let it sit for a while before killing the power so i could recover the file.
  3. So recently my NVME SSDs started droping off line I was able to move most of my appdata off of it just fine and now that I have rebuilt my docker containers and now after a reboot it wont start the array. After many reboots and testing things it shill wont mount. I'm out of ideas. Here is the diag file, I was not able to make one after a reboot if it tried to auto start. I was able to boot into safe mode and make one.
  4. I kept the default (Consolars) but changed from 13 to 14 click ok the closed Firefox and opened it back up and boom, solved. Thanks for the help!