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Everything posted by ALucio

  1. I had the same problem, I believe you are right and it scans the "Servers" directory. I managed to fixed my slowness issues whilst keeping the Dynmap plugin installed by asking Dynmap to store its map and web data to a folder outside of "servers". Personally, I created a new folder solely for Dynmap files in the "games" directory, that way it won't be scanned; I used the following steps: 1. In the MineOS container console, I used: mkdir /config/mineos/games/dynmap/NameOfServer/tiles/ This creates a new folder for the Dynmap tiles to be stored in. 2. Still in the console, I used: mkdir /config/mineos/games/dynmap/NameOfServer/web/ This creates a folder for the Dynmap web files. 3. In the Dynmap "Configuration.txt" file, change "tilespath: web/tiles" to "tilespath: /config/mineos/games/dynmap/NameOfServer/tiles" 4. Still in the Dynmap "Configuration.txt" file, change "webpath: web" to "webpath: /config/mineos/games/dynmap/NameOfServer/web" 5. I then deleted the "web" folder within the Dynmap plugin folder (doing this means a fullrender will be required as all of the current renders are deleted). 6. After a Dynmap fullrender, all of the necessary files were regenerated in the newly made folders and Dynmap no longer has an impact on loading time. Another great advantage of doing this is that restore points or archives no longer include Dynmap renders (which can be regenerated easily anyway).
  2. Hi, I updated my MineOS to Java 11. Don't know if the method I used is any good but I'm posting the steps just in case it helps anyone. I did it was as so: In the MineOS Docker console, I used: pacman -sS java | grep jre This shows a list of available Java version for install. pacman -S jre11-openjdk-headless This install the version of Java/Openjdk you want, in this case 11. It will ask confirmation, just type Y and press return. archlinux-java status Shows the versions of Java installed, the new one should appear in the list, Java 8 will still be the default. archlinux-java set java-11-openjdk This sets the new version, in this case Java-11, as the default java version. Now, just reboot your server (no need to reboot the container) and it should be running Java 11. I personally kept Java 8 installed just in case I encounter any problems but no longer have the Paper upgrade message, have been running 11 for only one day but have not yet encountered any problems. Sources: