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Everything posted by FreddyGSanford

  1. I'm running Ich's latest Valheim it was updated yesterday or the day before. I didn't want it to update automatically, but it did. That's on me, of course. My mods don't work with this version. How do I roll it back one version?
  2. It's Java. I had mentioned replacing the .jar in my post, so I went that route. It worked fine. I probably should've gotten on here before you replied so you didn't have to take your time with this. However, I appreciate your speedy response. BUT, now that it's the weekend I'm trying to make it a BetterMC server. Since it is so heavily modded, I used Curseforge on the client side to get BetterMC up and going. I am able to play single player. I also knew that Curseforge will put together a server package to keep all the mods synced up. I put them in but it wouldn't work when connecting to the server. In the readme file that came with it it states this: "ONLY USE THESE FILES TO RUN THE SERVER: Windows = start.ps1 Linux = start.sh (DO NOT USE THE .jar TO RUN THE SERVER!)" Unfortunately, your container automatically add the .jar to start the container. Is there a way to edit your container to use the start.sh shell to run it, or should I just try another container solution? I don't mind messing around and changing this if it's not mindboggling to do so. Thank you for the work you do. I really appreciate it. I use at least 6 of your game containers and they are always reliable.
  3. It's probably been answered before, but my Search Fu isn't working so well. Apologies if it's been answered. If I were to install Ich's basic Minecraft server right now, it would install 1.19.3 if I changed nothing. How does one get it to install 1.19.2? Would I just grab an old server.jar file from somewhere else and just replace the current one?
  4. Yeah, I just figured that out since posting. I redid the file using VI inside the terminal. I figured saving as Unix format in NP++ would work. It did not. Thank you.
  5. For the life of me I cannot understand why this doesn't work for me. The file can no longer be downloaded, so on a Windows machine I opened Notepad++ copied the contents into a new file and saved as backupDockers.sh. I copied the file to X:\appdataBackup\containers\ this the path to the unRAID share where I have my weekly backups already going. I open terminal from the unRAID gui. I go to the path where I have the .sh file copied. I put this into the terminal window "backupDockers.sh -b -d /mnt/user/Backups/appdataBackup/containers/mariadb mariadb" This is the response I get back from the terminal window "bash: ./backupDockers.sh: /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory"
  6. I couldn't move the files with it off. I couldn't move it even after I deleted the container and turned Docker off. I nuked it. It's all good.
  7. trurl, thank you for your response. If I wasn't so busy getting things back in order over the weekend I would have posted to say I got things working again. I have tried to move that data before using Mover. It wouldn't move. I ended up deleting all my appdata for Plex. To get the appdata off the array, I had to use the CLI to manually remove those folders. I think my problem was I manually changed the appdata path to say cache instead of user after it had started to populate on the array and let the share properties handle the cache prefer. Plex is now populating the preview thumbs for 36 hours or so. Takes forever when you have 22TB of media. It is also transcoding again. Sorry if this sounds disjointed, I'm distracted at work at the moment. Thanks again, FreddyG
  8. Now it's getting worse, I removed the Plex container to see if adding it back would help. Now the container won't reinstall
  9. Yeah I posted those words, then edited the comment with the file attached. I notice some data was dashed out. That is entirely too convenient.
  10. I guess I should add that I've uninstalled and reinstalled the nvidia plugin and reloaded the Plex containers.
  11. Hello All, I'm fairly new to Unraid, about 3 weeks in now. I setup up Unraid, Plex container, Nvidia Driver plugin, and Tautulli container, and "must haves" from a SpaceInvader video. Working great for the entire 3 weeks. Transcoding, has been flawless. 3 days ago I installed delugevpn and nzbget docker, did a Ubuntu test file download. Everything worked great. Never got the installation Sonarr and Radarr containers. Then the next day I upgraded my Parity drive to a larger drive. Once parity was rebuilt with no errors, I precleared the old parity drive and added it to the array. After I started the preclear of the unassigned old parity drive, I turned my Plex and Tautulli containers back on. I notice that both delugevpn and nzbget containers were missing. Reinstalled those their webuis came up. Great. Then I go to watch a movie on Plex and now any move that needs transcoding is maxing out a CPU and won't stream. If I load a movie that doesn't need to transcode it works fine. What could be happening to my setup? Also, I'd love to give a shout out to this community. The amount of knowledge posted is amazing. With that said I tried to search for these symptoms and came up with things that didn't seem to match close enough for me to understand what is going on.
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