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Everything posted by schneida

  1. Is there a troubleshooting guide somewhere? Are there minimum requirements for the CPU or something? I'm asking as I'm unable to even boot to the installer. I see the boot disk selection, then I get to the apple logo for a few seconds before the VM resets. Upon the next start it displays something along the lines of "your computer restarted because of a problem" - very helpful Apple... I tried both Big Sur and Catalina on two unraid instances. However, both are a bit dated in terms of the hardware so that might be the problem, but it would be great to know which features of the CPU or alike are required if any...
  2. I'm completely new to Unraid and just booted it up for the first time. I have two identical 8TB drives installed on my system and want to use on as parity and one as disk (more disks will follow once I trust Unraid). Both disk had been used before on other systems and do contains data, that can be deleted as I have backed it up. In the main view, I have assigned one disk as Parity and one disk as as "Disk 1" and then clicked on "Start". However, now it says on the right side of the main view "Unmountable: Unsupported partition layout". I then tried to format the disk using the UI, checking the "Yes I want to do this" button in the format row and clicked on format. This did not solve the issue. So I went ahead, stopped the array. Created a new config (using the tools tab), connected to the server cleared the partition table of both drives and recreated it as GPT using cfdisk. I also created a primary partition on both drives and re-assigned them to the array. This also did not solve the issue. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for your help 🙂 EDIT: Luckily I was able to figure it out. After repeating the steps to clear the partition table of both drives (dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=1M count=10) and re-partitioning them using cfdisk, I rebooted the server. After re-creating the array once more I had again the "Unmountable" error in the UI, but formatting it using the UI then resolved the issue. Sorry for bothering you guys - but I was afraid I couldn't figure it out myself...
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