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Everything posted by TallMan206

  1. Hi, I also tried without the cache drives and the issue still persists. Even when just BROWSING folders on my Unraid NAS the permissions change out of nowhere
  2. I thought maybe Teracopy on WIndows is causing the issue. It seems my Sandisk 500GB Pro NVME drive causing permission issues. I removed the NVME drives as cache for my Unraid, and now it doesn't have those issues anymore. What could cause the NVME drives to act this strange? It are 2 drives, BTRFS filesystem.
  3. Ok, This happened while copying files: drwxrwx---+ 1 nobody users 84 Feb 19 10:55 Audio-DVD's/ drwxrwxrwx+ 1 nobody users 100 Feb 18 14:09 Films/ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 18 Jan 26 2020 Foto's/ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 110 Dec 8 15:35 Muziek/ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 392 Feb 10 14:56 TV-Series/ As seen above, Audio-DVD's changed while copying files. I cannot access the folder anymore. It changed from 777 to drwxrwx---+ Thanks
  4. At this moment there are no changed folders so I don't know which permissions the have after the change. As I said, I'll let you know as soon as I see this behavior again. Thanks for your understanding.
  5. Hi, /mnt/user/NAS/ under NAS I have the following folders: Backups Data Downloads Media Rips Most of the time is was Media and Downloads changing (that is where SAB and Plex are working/looking in) but I also noticed Data changing. Actually I think it has to do with the Sandisk Pro 500GB NVME drives getting too warm. I have cooling on them now and now I can work on my system without issues, while otherwise the folder permissions were changed by now. I'll keep you posted. Maybe i'm just lucky now and the issues comes back. Regards
  6. Hi all, Since 2 weeks I have 2 new NVME drives for cache (all system is BTRFS). I reinstalled my Docker machines like Plex and Sabnzbd. Also since a while I have issues that I am not able to access my folders on my Unraid anymore (from Windows 10). When I check my folder permissions in the CLI on Unraid, I notice it has changed the permission. I need to chmod 777 the folders again to gain access. What could cause this strange behavior of folder getting inaccessible out of nowhere? Thanks. unraid-syslog-20210217-1046.zip
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