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  1. Hello guys, I just updated to 22.2.0 from 21.x.x a few days ago. I noticed that my disks won't spin down after the update, and I can see that nextcloud.log file are constantly open and modify in the File Activity plugin. I tried to change background jobs setting in the administration of nextcloud from cron to ajax, don't know if it works, but it always change back to cron after a few minutes.
  2. I was running swag, nextcloud and bitwarden with cloudflare reverse proxy, everything were working just fine. I saw update available for all 3 dockers i mentioned, so I stopped all the dockers and updated them, opened them again after finished, then suddenly I couldn't connect to nextcloud and bitwarden through my domain, it returns a status 503. The log has no error at all, i am so confused. What would have cause the problem to exist?
  3. Ok I later searched lets-encrypt and nextcloud instead of swag and nextcloud, and I found the solution for my case. If you are using Windows and notepad++, remember to change (Save as type:) to (all types (*.*)), otherwise notepad++ will save your file as txt. I know it is quite dumb for me, but this maybe the solution for you if you face the same problem.
  4. Hello guys, i just got into unraid in the last few days, and i follow Spaceinvader One's video on how to set up nextcloud and reverse Proxy. It was easy to setup nextcloud for home network, i can connect to it no problem. But when i tried to configure a reverse proxy, it showed the Welcome to your SWAG instance picture below. I can connect to my domain that i typed in swag docker on my phone network, still the same picture though, so i think it is not a port forwarding problem. I did everything exactly the same as the video except i am using the new swag docker.